Love, War and Tragedy

Start from the beginning

"You're so sweet." Alice gushed, feeling his fingers creep around her waist and pull her into his body. "So what did you have planned for today?"

"Well I can't exactly tell you off the bat, it's a surprise." FP cheekily revealed, licking his small pink lips before seductively biting down on the bottom. "But I can tell you to bring a jacket. It's gets a little cold where we're going."

"Damn it." Alice quietly sassed before playfully hitting his chest. "Now you've got me nervous."

He jokingly stepped back, chuckling at her snappy response. "So I'll pick you up at 3?"

Alice's eyes beamed as her lips flicked up into a sexy smirk, leaning into his puckered lips and giving him a longer than expected smooch before finally releasing him. "It's a date."

And with that, FP grinned a cheeky smirk as he backed away from the porch, as he watched her glee filled face slowly step indoors and close her front door.

In desperate need of coffee, Alice strolled over towards the kitchen with a spring in her step, kissing both girls on the cheeks before she finally made it to the coffee maker, which they both hated deep down and she knew it but didn't care. They were always going to be her babies.

"Who was that?" Polly asked with a mouth full of cereal, referring to FP's brief but secret visit.

"Oh, nobody. Just some insurance salesman." Alice lied as she poured the dark stimulating beverage into her mug and turned around to face her daughters. "They just don't know how to take no for an answer."

She took a final refreshing sip on her drink before continuing her morning conversation with her girls, usually the best part of her day.

"Anyway, hows it feel to be $1000 richer?" Alice asked both girls excitedly referring to their Battle of the Bands win that they had called her up about as soon as they were rewarded. She leaned over the kitchen island, waggling her perfectly shaped eyebrows as she waited for an answer. "I'm so proud of you both, by the way."

"Thanks Mom." Betty gushed with a smile, before the sound of the doorbell ringing once more interrupted their meal.

"Why do people always visit when we're eating?" Polly exasperated, rolling her light blue orbs skywards before taking a sip of her fresh orange juice.

A flash of crimson crossed Alice's face as the ringing sounded through the house. She stood up straight and alert from her previous leaning position, knowing it had to be FP pushing his luck.

"I- I don't know, but I'll get rid of them." Alice laughed off anxiously before making a beeline towards the door, ready to tell FP to beat it.

She prepared a wide grin on her face once she unlocked the chain, opening the door wide open and proud for him. "What part of later don't you understand-"

Except, it wasn't FP briefly returning to the house and awaiting her presence at the door, and she was surprised yet puzzled to find two complete but professional looking strangers stood before her. A middle aged man and a much younger woman, both domineeringly tall, dressed head to toe in professional clothing and appearing to have seen far better days which was perfectly reflected in the deadpan unwelcoming expressions set on their faces.

"Can I, help you?" Alice shyly stammered, darting her sapphire blues left and right, desperately trying to figure the two mysterious individuals out.

"Good morning, we're Detective Langdon and Detective Sherwood from the Rockland County police department." The Male began, holding the straight laced emotion devoid look as he stepped forward and presented his badge. It seemed legit enough to Alice, which put her at ease a little.

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