Chapter 5

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Reader POV

Once I was done with Geography class it was already 3.30pm , I packed up my stuff and headed to the locker to switch into my normal shoes and headed home. While I was walking towards the school gate this kid just crashed into me like he was in a rush and he fell to the ground after bumping into me.

Me: HEY! Watch where you're going !

The short orange hair kid stood up and said,

Hinata : I am so sorry, I'm just really excited. I'm Hinata Shoyo, please call me Hinata. Wait, are you (Y/N) the exchange student?

Me: yeah how did you know?

Hinata: News travels very fast in school, okay see you around i got to go, nice meeting you!

Then he just ran off again, i dusted my skirt and continued to walk back home and once i got home i placed my bag on the couch and headed straight for the kitchen to make some snacks for myself , after i ate my snacks i headed for the showers and changed into my comfy shorts and oversized t shirt then placing all my books on the table and started to study every subject so i would not fall behind .

As i studied every subject carefully i usually don't get distracted but i couldn't help but to look at those photos i had with the boys i guess it's easy to make friends but hard to stay in contact but i just really miss Bokuto, i got up and walked over to the shelf that had the picture of Bokuto buried in the snow i smiled as the flashbacks started coming in.

I shrugged it off and walked back to the coffee table and started to focus on my studies and once again without anything distracting me, and soon it was night I packed my bag once more and made myself some noodles for dinner and got a Video call from Belove Bokuto, i quickly ran to my laptop and took a deep breath before answering the chat.

Me:Hey Bokuto Senpai!

Bokuto:Hey! I just got back from training, I meant to call you after but i wanted to see your face.

Me:(blushing ) aww how cute , you can always call me, don't have to video call all the time, anyways have you eaten?

Bokuto: yeah im eating right now ( takes a spoon full of rice and shows it to the camera ) how was school today?

Me: It was alright,I gave the English teacher a shock today ..

Bokuto: OH damn let me guess you are too pretty that gave him a shock?

Me: what no no and it is she , she doubted i could speak English so she asked me to introduce myself in english and did what i was told and her jaw dropped.

Bokuto: Oh wow you go girl!

The night continued with Bokuto talking non stop and i could not help but to laugh and smile like an idiot he truly did capture my heart. It was getting late and i told Bokuto to sleep early and since we had a long day and he still had to training for volleyball,

I ended the call and switched off all the lights and headed to bed and upon receiving a sweet goodnight message from My Cute Owl I placed him on seen and charged my phone and went to bed..

Finally it was FRIDAY and i was on my way home and when i saw someone standing outside my gate as i walked even closer i saw black sliver spiky hair and it was my beloved BOKUTO i ran towards him and jumped on him and he carried me and spun around.

Me: Hey i miss you ( kiss on the cheek )

Bokuto: I know you do, HEY HEY HEY I bought meat !

Me: Let's go inside.

I opened the gate and the door and Bokuto would help me lock it all and he then placed the bag of meat on the kitchen counter and checkout the place he started running up and down checking every room ,

I Love you Bokuto || Bokuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now