Chapter 13

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Reader POV

Back to the present

As i look out the window overlooking the beautiful city of Tokyo all of the fun times together with my team flashed through my mind and i got up and walked over to the bed slowly climbed into the bed and hugged Bokuto from behind then he turned around and hugged me back and Kissed my forehead.

Bokuto: Silly girl where did you go ?

Me: Outside the balcony,

Bokuto: go to sleep. I love you ( Kiss the forehead )

Me: I love you .

We went to bed and cuddled with each other and ended up falling asleep after a few minutes.

The next morning.

I woke up to an empty bed and Bokuto had already left. I took out my phone from under the pillow and saw the message he sent to me in the morning. I smiled while I made my way to the bathroom to start my dad with Mom .

I sat my phone aside after my shower and prepared to get ready and once i was done i packed my stuff and headed to the lobby to meet mom and there she was ready in her casual wear which she rarely wears and i approached her and we got into the car and to our first destination

In the car

Me: Mom so where are we going ?

Mom: (O/C) country club

Me: Wait, they have it here in japan?

Mom: Yup, and they have their own multipurpose court so you can use it for volleyball or whatever sports you need .

Me: it's been way too long since i been to the club .

Mom: but since you are staying in Miyagi and even Bokuto is staying with you during the weekends it will be a good idea for a date place for both of you .

Me: One bird, two stones , nice mom.

Once we arrived at the country club we flashed our ID cards and the security let us in and mom dragged me to change into matching tennis outfits and then went to the tennis court and i thought we were challenging others but no she is my opponent like ? what's with the matching outfits then ?

We got on the court and started playing with each other then let me be very very honest i have never seen my mom so active before in my 18 years of living she smashed that tiny little ball so many times i even lost the points sadly we played best out of 3 and i lost everything not that i mind but i've never seen my mom so physically active despite her many air travels . Both of us sat on the chairs and with drinks and snacks served mom and I just tucked in and had our conversation.

Me: mom that was crazy, remind me to never ever play tennis with you ever again ! just how in the world is this .

Mom: come on sweetie you are great at volleyball you can't be good at both sports.

Me; true but volleyball requires speed and agility and my jumping skills , tennis need speed and agility. I will master it and beat you one day. I will make sure of that.

Mom; will see about that let's go for our spa appointment .

Meanwhile ....

Dad: Boys welcome to the land of Ice hockey

Kuroo: cool!

Bokuto: This seems dangerous.

Akaashi: You'll be fine.

Dad: Boys meet my team Grey Tigers, guys my daughter's Japan Bro's and 1 boyfriend.

Guys: welcome to our training ground boys , Lets get you suited up.

The boys got suited up and wore their skates and headed to the arena to meet the rest of the boys and the captain of the grey Tigers . then they gave them a rough explanation of the game play for instance the different zones , Defining zone , Neutral and Attacking or offensive Zone.

Dad and the boys are already a team of 4 so captain of the Grey tigers joined them with another one of their players and they kick started with some practice before getting into a friendly game with the team likewise Bokuto got hurt by kuroo , he swung his hockey stick too high hitting Bokuto on the head that caused him to bleed .

Their game ended with them losing but all's good with a good experience for all of them, the boys went to wash up and headed to their next destination Tokyo Disneyland.

Bokuto: Mr (L/N) Thank you so much for today.

Kuroo: Yes thank you .

Akaashi: same here.

Their day ended with everyone holding games of gifts and they off they went to their final location to meet the ladies.

The boys talked about (Y/N) upcoming match and who is going to go and they all have decided to bring their Volleyball teams as support since She knows all 3 teams and they could learn a thing or two from the game too. When they finally arrive at the location Bokuto rushed over to hug (Y/N) tightly and getting nagged by her cause Bokuto got hurt and Kuroo got a slap on the arm for that incident

All of them went to have a nice dinner together and headed back to the hotel once they were done.

2 weeks later....

My parents had already gone back to work and Since Bokuto and I still have 3 weeks together before school starts we spent most of our days training together improving on my skills and speed and sometimes just some quality time at home together .

Some days the Karasuno team would come by to help me train too and hang out with Bokuto too and Akaashi will pop by every now and then to check on us and check on Bokuto if he did is holiday homework AHAHAH

Time skip

Mid July

Bokuto and i had started school and he would come by every weekend to train with me and spend time together and one every weird weekend

In the kitchen...

Me: Hey babe.

Bokuto: whats up?

Me: Are you okay if Daichi , Suagawara and Asahi san come help us train for volleyball?


Me: great we should get going. They are waiting for us at the school gym.

Bokuto and I packed our gym stuff and headed to the school gym . Once we reached the gym we greeted the boys and straight away started with our warm ups and afterwards started to practice volleyball. It lasted all afternoon and evening and afterwards all of us went out for dinner and went out for dinner together.

I Love you Bokuto || Bokuto X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now