Chapter 17

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Kuroo POV

A month has passed and (Y/N) has not woken up and it's starting to get to everyone nervous . i've been staying in the hospital with her for the past month her vitals are fine and everything is fine even the Damn doctors dont know whats wrong with her. 

Akaashi and i took turns to stay and watch over our poor sister , Mr and Mrs (L/N) would often call and check on us but their faces didn't change every time they called to know (Y/N) hasn't woken up yet which is very disheartening to them as parents. and yet they have to continue working and be thousands of miles away from their daughter. 

Akaashi: Hey man, my turn you should rest. 

Me: It's alright. 

Akaashi:You got to study for your finals their already on the way. 

Me: I'll be fine. 

Akaashi: Bokuto asked how is she , i didn't know how to reply to him either.

Me: how is he tho? 

Akaashi: State of shock as well. 

Me: Uh...

Doctor comes in. 

Me: doctor any news?

Doctor: unfortunately no. now all we can do is wait for her to wake up on her own. 

Akaashi: There must be something we can do. 

Doctor: you guys can try talking to her, have daily conversations . People in a coma are able to hear people talking even tho they are unconscious. 

Me: thank you doc. 

After the doctor left the room it was just me and akaashi talking back and forth. 

Me:Sissy , i know you can hear me , i miss you so so much, we as in Akaashi as well i miss your laughter , your smile , your cuteness . You shouldn't have pushed yourself so hard. why didn't you stop yourself...please wake up soon...


Reader POV

Where am i? omg i must be dead! why is everything so white great i am an angel now where are those wings heee!!( trying to pop the wings out) hmmm seems like i'm not and angel ... so where am i anyways. 

Voice: (Y/N)

me: who's there!

voice follow my voice.

me: duh uhh okay...

i continued to walk endlessly and finally just as when i was about to flop on the floor i finally see something with color other than white, a brown door and the voice came back again after not answering my one hundred thousand questions that i asked. 

Voice: Open the door.

Me: what is behind that door.

Voice: you'll see. 

i took a deep breath in and opened the door and walked through it opening my eyes to (O/C) training grounds for national players. 

Oh look theres me! wait i remember what day it is , its on my final day and then off to Japan for 4 years , they whole team is sad and crying their eyes out, i walked closer and someone popped beside me wearing all white. 

Me: OMG Tony Stark?! wait or are you Robert Downey Junior? 

Tony Stark: Yes it is me Tony Stark. 

Me: but you don't exist in the real world.

Tony Stark: I am a figurative of your imagination pay attention. 

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