Chapter 23

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Reader POV

The week went by really quickly and lets just say i wasn't able to walk thanks to Bokuto... And have to hide a lot of hickey marks thanks to him but he has always been making me breakfast and sometimes if we were too tired to go out we would just stay home and watch movies and get kinky with each other

Even the other day we were looking at apartments in Tokyo though it is really expensive , we needed something to cater to both our wants and needs like i want a personal office at home , a proper bedroom, kitchen and toilets and Bokuto said he wants a GYM ROOM?! i was like no! we are not going to have a Gym room in our house!

That was how stupid our argument got and i said if you want a Gym we might as well get a condominium and i showed him the price of a condo and he sank to the floor not saying a word to me. see we can live in those high rise apartments with a good view , surely my parents have some good deals about it so i gave them a call and said they would help us check but for furniture wise we need to get it ourselves so we started to look at color schemes and design layouts then it was time to pick Kuroo and Akaashi from the airport. 

Text: Akaashi

Hey sis! we just got on the plane we will land around 12pm (O/C) time see you! 

I smiled and goty out of bed and took a quick shower then went to wake Bokuto up and finally BREAKFAST! i told Sebastian not to drive us , i'll drive instead just need to get the spare rooms ready for their arrival, he did what he was told and afterwards me and Bokuto sat on the couch awhile more before driving to the airport

On route to the Airport

With one of my hand interlocked with Bokuto's the other on the steering wheel everything seems so perfect , perfect weather , great music , smooth drive... 

Bokuto: Babe, why didn't you tell me you have driving licence?

Me: I mean, everything in Japan is so convenient i don't see the need to drive around?

Bokuto: But here in (O/C) you drive what's the difference?

Me: Well here in (O/C) is not convenient? and its cheaper to get a car here i guess... 

Bokuto: How much did you spend on your licence

Me: 2.2K

Bokuto: WHAT?! 

Me: Private tutoring but for the final theory and practical i have to go down to a government driving center to do it 

Bokuto: then can we get a car in Japan?

Me: not at the moment, can we take things one at a time? settle the house , have a stable income then get a car alright...

Bokuto: Alright!!

Our drive just got quiet after that conversation , with the radio playing in the background occasionally humming to the tunes. When we got to the airport and parked the car at the carpark we then interlocked our fingers and made our way to the arrival gates. 

Waiting with anticipation the both of us , its been too long since all of us last saw each other and as loads of people came out of the arrival halls we didn't even see them it's taking a toll on us we were getting nervous. to a point i feel like taking out my shades so i can see clearly but i'm still avoiding the media after what happened in Japan i just wanna stay low key. 

Bokuto: OH oh OH ! i see them!

I opened my eyes wider to see both of them picking up their luggage and walking towards us , Bokuto and i ran to them and hugged them both and stayed like that for a few minutes before we broke apart. 

I Love you Bokuto || Bokuto X ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora