Chapter 38

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Reader POV

perviously ~

Me: Kana .

Kana: (Y/N) , (Y/N) , (Y/N) , What am i going to do with you.

Kana turns around and stares at me with her eyes all teared up and smudged with make up 


Me: What do you mean?

Kana: Donovan said he wont marry me anymore, instead he will announce to the whole entire room later that he is a Bisexual . 

Me: How is that my doing?

Kana: If not you , WHO ELSE WOULD IT BE!

I looked around the room and saw shit its gone case. i need to escape and i do not have my phone with me , i took small steps to where she was and looked at her hands and surroundings if there is anything sharp thankfully nothing plus its only the 2 of us in the room what could go wrong right? 

Kana: Why do you have to ruin my special day? TWICE! especially. 

Me: I didn't even do anything! you have no evidence so stop the crap and call Donovan. 

Kana: He wont pick up or talk to me ! and this is all your fault!

Kana got up from where she sat on the window and came walking to me and took a big pair of scissors and stabbed me took it out, i looked down and saw blood oozing out of my dress and looked back at her. she dropped the scissors on the ground and fled the room while i fell on my knees then i believed i passed out for a second before i got back up on my feet and used my remaining strength to walk to the door and opened it and so nice i fell to the ground agin and saw the hotel staff , she saw me and came running towards me 

Hotel staff: Ms ! MS!  CAN YOU HEAR ME!?

i blinked my eyes as she pressed my wound with a towel she quickly called the ambulance and they instructed her to continue to talk to me and keep on pressing on the wound. 

15 mins later .... 

the ambulance came and they carried me on to the stretcher and down to where they parked the ambulance and the team and everyone else saw me and rushed over to me with the media taking photos , all i remembered was Bokuto and Akaashi telling the medics they will follow me and i knocked out. 

No One's POV

 At the hospital . . .

(Y/N) is in the operating theatre with everyone waiting outside anxiously suddenly a nurse came running out 

Nurse: Is anyone an O Blood type?

Bokuto: How is my wife! 

Nurse: Sir we , need an O blood are you a O blood

Akaashi: I am . 

Nurse: Okay follow me. 

Akaashi follows the nurse into the operating theatre in a separated room he sat on the chair and have the nurse insert tubes into his veins to extract blood into the blood bags. after an hour or so Akaashi was done with the blood donating , the nurse helped him get wrapped up and handed him a few sweet drinks and snacks and a fruit and brought him back outside the waiting room 

Bokuto: Akaashi! did you see her?

Akaashi: No i didn't i was in another room

Kuroo: Shit it was been 3 hours and they aren't done. 

I Love you Bokuto || Bokuto X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz