Chapter 9

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Talia van Trapp

“We’re off to the pharmacy,” I told Harry, Monica, Liana, and Niall. Monica sat up and brushed a lock of her brown, wavy hair out of her pale face. “Liam and I. We’ll be back later, alright?”

“Alright,” Harry said from his side of the bed. He had his back faced to me, and I had thought he was asleep. Niall and Liana both had their eyes glued to the telly. I didn’t even bother to ask if they were hungry, and decided to stop at Nando’s on the way back from the pharmacy.

“Okay, Tal. Let’s go,” Liam said, holding the door open for me. We bid our farewells to Zayn, Aleka, Mackenzie, and Louis before walking out the door of the hotel suite and riding the elevator down to the lobby.

“Wonder where the bug came from,” Liam commented, mesmerized by his iPhone. Wait, I thought he had a Blackberry…? He then took out his Blackberry and scrolled through some messages.

“So… You have two phones?” I asked him. He nodded, explaining that one phone was used for work and the other for… play?

He put his two phones away and pulled on a beanie and sunglasses. Surprisingly, he handed me a pair too.

“What?” I asked, looking at the beanie and sunglasses he was handing me. “Why me?”

“Cause the fans have seen you,” he replied. I shrugged and pulled the beanie over my bronze, wavy hair and the sunglasses over my eyes. The elevator doors opened, and we both walked to where the cabs were waiting for random hotel guests. We flagged one down, and I hopped in the back right behind the driver, and Liam sat next to me on the other side.

“Where to?” the cab driver asked. He was old and had wrinkles in his skin, as well as white hair on the top of his head.

“Erm…” I said. “Nearest pharmacy, please.”

The driver nodded and began the drive to the pharmacy. I stared out the window and could feel someone’s eyes on me as I did so. As soon as I turned around, Liam turned away to his window, and I laughed. He turned back around and stuck his tongue at me. I turned, my back facing the window, to face him and cross my eyes.

But didn’t have a happy look on his face anymore.

He wasn’t even looking directly at me, more like behind me at the window. His eyes widened and the color drained out of his face.

“Liam?” I asked, and suddenly, he tackled me and sent us both falling to the floor of the cab. I fell on his chest, just as something hit the cab and sent us rolling. I screamed as the walls of the cab began to get closer and closer. Liam made no noise. Something hit the cab again, and I was thrown to another end of the cab.

“Liam,” I croaked. “Where are you?”

“I’m here, love,” I heard him say from what used to be the floor of the cab. I felt relieved, and began to kick at the ceiling that was now right in front of my face. “It won’t help, Talia. Just stay put until someone shows up.”

I crinkled my nose to the smell of burning rubber. The car couldn’t be on fire, could it? My face was burning, and my arms had cuts on them from broken glass. I began to hyperventilate, the realization of being in a car accident now fresh in my mind. I called for Liam, but he didn’t answer. I screamed, and finally, I could see someone else’s feet right next to me.

“Oh my…” the lady said as she looked down at me. She had red hair and blue eyes. “Is everyone alive!?”

“I dunno,” I said, everything now becoming a blur. I was drifting in and out of focus, and I could hear the lady yelling at me to stay awake. Finally, everything became black and I became unconscious.

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