Chapter 6

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Geno sat down on the ride, with Reaper by his side. Dust and Blue was infront of them, chattering to each other.

When the ride has started to move. Geno could feel his soul drop and felt his non existent stomach twist. He felt nervous, he never rode this before.


Reaper could see that Geno was gripping his safety guard, too hard and his face was paler than before. And by judging his expression, Geno hadn't tried this thing before.

The ride has moved into a fast pace, and went to the very peak and quickly went down. A shrill loud scream, tore out of Geno's throat as he felt the gravity pulled him down. Reaper chuckled at Geno's reaction and wanted to see more. What could he say? It was hilarious to watch Geno's reaction.

The ride went like this, more screams of terror erupted from Geno's throat, as the ride went upside down. He could feel the gravity pulling him down.

"Reaper! We're upside down! Fu-" Geno screamed again, when the ride moved in a fast pace. Reaper laughed loudly, when he saw Geno's expression.

The next few moments, went on like this. With the occasional curse, ripping out of Geno's mouth.


Geno leaned against Reaper, for support. His legs felt like jelly, he couldn't even stand straight.

"We- we're never gonna ride that thing again." Geno blurted out, and glared at the ride. Reaper gave him an amused look, while Dust and Blue smiled sheepishly.

"Your screams we're hilarious, though." Dust commented, Geno shifted his glare to Dust.

"Shut up, I never had that ride before." Geno glared hardly, while Reaper let out a snort. "You too, dipshit! Shut up!" Geno switched his glare to Reaper.

"Let's not forget that there are children watching, could you please lessen your cussing?" Blue asked politely, with pleading eyes. Geno looked at Blue, and sighed then nodded.

"Great! Now let's go!" Blue chirped and dragged Dust to a random direction. Reaper gripped Geno's arms, then started walking to the direction where the other two headed to.

The day went on like this, with the occasional teasing and flirting, coming from Reaper and Geno.




Oh god, I'm sorry it's short everyone! I was out of ideas, when it comes to Amusement Park thingy (ngl, this chapter doesn't even make any sense). But I'm sure the next chapter will be longer than this, I promise.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this short crappy chapter. I love y'all!

See you on the next side!

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