Chapter 12

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"Wait- Why would Lust be here?"

"Well, he helped us dress up like these and gave Dust a makeover!" Blue said and pointed at Dust's face. Said skeleton posed dramatically, puckering up his 'lips'.

"Ew, Dust, that was dramatic." Geno commented, making gagging noises, "You looked like Mettaton."

"Oh shut up, it took me ten minutes to come up with a pose and you just disregard it like that? How sickening." Dust wiped a fake tear, and hid his face in his palms as if he was crying.

"Your face looks sickening, that's what." Geno facepalmed, Reaper snickered trying to cover it up with a cough.

"I-.... I feel so offended, after years of friendship, you're still mean to me even after those years we were together." Dust sniffed, for real, he looked teary eyed.

Geno let out a sigh, "And you're still as childish as I remembered. Fine, you look pretty, happy?"

Dust let out a series of noises that's incomprehensible, "Don't say it just for my happiness! Say it like you mean it!"

"You look ugly." Geno said truthfully, Reaper finally lost it and started laughing.

"Alright, alright, cut it out. We still have roleplay to play!" Blue butted in, separating the glaring two and smacked Reaper on the face.

"Okay….. where's Lust, by the way? He said he'd be here in five minutes. And ten minutes have already passed?" Dust asked, looking up at the wall clock.

Before Blue could answer, the door burst open, then came Lust holding a bag.

"Because!" He started confidently, "I was preparing stuff?" That sounded like a question.

Lust let out noises that sounded like…. he's embarrassed? Lust turned away, face tinted with purple hue.

"Sorry about Lust," Reaper whispered to Geno, "He's easily embarrassed, don't know how he became a model with a personality like that." He finished.

"Don't soil your brother's name like that, you're an idiot." Geno whispers back, glaring at Reaper. Reaper just grinned.

"Alright, shall we start the makeover? Hope we're not wasting too much of your time, Lust." Blue said, his politeness immediately took over his energetic personality.

"Oh, it's not a problem! I don't have any more schedule. I'm done for today." Lust smiled softly, and put down the bag full of what seemed like….makeup?

Geno quickly noticed the bag's contents and turned away. Noping the fuck outta there.

"Where are you going, Geno? We haven't even started yet." Dust asked, raising an eyebrow at Geno.

"Me? Oh haha... I'm gonna get some fresh air! Bye!"

Just as he was about to reach the door, Reaper caught the collar of the dress and tugged him back to his place.

"We're suffering together, Geno." Reaper said, voice smooth as honey. Dread immediately washes over Geno.

Yep, he's done. Really done.

"Well start the makeover now, who's going first?" Lust asked, Reaper pushed Geno to Lust.

"He'll go first, so he can't run away." Reaper smiled at Geno, it was one of those smiles that said 'you're in for a fun time.' but you know it isn't fun.

"Alright, let's see…" Lust held Geno's chin gently. Studying his face with concentration.

"Hmm, I don't need to change much. Just some light makeup, don't need to be heavy. Just a little bit of blush on here and maybe eyeshadow? I could put some eyeliner but I don't know which color…" Lust murmured, switching his attention from Geno to his makeup bag.

"Get a stool for Geno." Lust called, but his attention is still on the makeup bag.

Blue moved swiftly, fetching a stool for Geno. Lust finally looked up, with some stuff Geno couldn't name.

"Sit down, this shouldn't take long." Lust said, pushing Geno gently to the stool, making him sit.

Lust started applying makeup to Geno's face, time dragged on slowly. It felt like eternity. Even though it was only a few minutes.

"And…. you're done." Lust smiled brightly, looking happy with his work.

"Reaper you're next." Lust called, Geno left the stool. Letting Reaper occupy the chair he once sat in.

"Wow Gen, you look beautiful. Like really, you look like a woman." Dust complimented, looking awe struck. Geno looked more feminine than him.

Geno looked bashful and turned his head away, whispering something under his breath. But it sounded like, 'thank you'?

"Aww, Geno looks bashful." Reaper teased, a sly smile etched on his face.

"Shut up." Geno murmured, face heating up intensely.

"We're finished!" Lust cheered, "Now let's get the Roleplay started!"

Author's Note:

The Roleplay starts the next chapter.

I know this is crappy but I wanna make a filler for the Roleplay.

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