Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful day, the sun was shimmering in the beautiful sky, warm summer breeze blowing the trees making the leaves sway gently.

A cloaked skeleton was taking his daily stroll around the park. He's calm posture and his attractive looks, attracting ladies that happened to pass by. This skeleton was known as the greatest businessman in the country, there are rumors going around the city that he doesn't have any wives nor sons. Those rumors were true. Many ladies have tried to win his heart, yet they don't get to pass his standards.

As he walks by the park he came across a pair of couple, that seemed to be on their date. As he noticed that he was staring he quickly looked away and regained his posture, he continues to walk until he reached his favorite spot. It was a small clearing with beautiful flowers surrounding a small pond on the middle. He sat by the pond and hums softly to him self. Suddenly a phone rang, startling the life out of him. He quickly took out his phone, which vibrated through his pants. He looked at the caller ID and it read 'Blue', he pressed accept and placed it on where his ear should be.

"Hello?" his voice was deep yet smooth.

"Hey brother, are you coming home or not? It's almost dinner and yet you're still not home." The voice on the other side,said.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be there just give me a minute."

"Okay, bye, love you!"

"Love you too, lil bro."

The cloaked skeleton hang up and checked the time, '7:09' it read. The cloaked skeleton sighed, and looked at the sky, the sun was setting leaving a vibrant pink, orange and yellow hues on the sky. The scenery was beautiful, but the cloaked skeleton reminded his self to get back home, so his brother wouldn't get worried.

He walked out of the clearing and went to his car, which was waiting for him ever since he arrived at the park. He quickly took out the key from his pocket and placed it inside the keyhole and twisted it open. He opened his car, and sat on the driver's seat. Placing the key on the keyhole again, the growl of the machine was heard as the engine started, he quickly pressed the gas and started to drive back home.

~Time skip~

He finally reached his house, he parked his car on the garage and got out of the vehicle. Making his way towards the front door and knocked politely. A sound of rushing foot steps followed by a thud was heard, before the door swung open, revealing another skeleton yet this was smaller and full of energy. He was wearing a gray t-shirt with a taco design, a blue scarf was wrapped around his neck tied up into a bow, a pair gray of jeans with a pair of blue boots and on his hand was a blue fingerless gloves.

"Brother!" the skeleton dressed in blue flung his arms around the cloaked skeleton and giggled. The cloaked skeleton stumbled back, but regained his balance.

"Didja miss me, Blue?" the cloaked skeleton asked as he pulled away from his brother.

"Of course, I did! It has been lonely without you!" the skeleton known as Blue asked.

"Is that so? Why?" the cloaked skeleton asked.

"Mother left for another meeting and dad went with her, but good thing the maids was there, but they won't play with me!" the blue skeleton pouted.

"Well, is mom and dad back now?" the cloaked skeleton asked again, his brother just shrugged indicating they weren't back yet.

"Well, I guess they'd be back in a few hours or so." the blue skeleton responded.

Honey Lavender (An AfterDeath Fanfiction) [HIATUS] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang