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Samira was laying in a puddle of her own drool and crust had formed around her eyes making it hard to open them up. The lights were dim and there was rumbling noises coming from upstairs.

The door knob at the top of the stairs began jiggling. It was Massimo, he came down slowly with a bowl of food and a drink with a big smile on his face. As he was reaching the base of the stairs he stared at her for a while.

"I just realized you haven't gone to the bathroom AT ALL" his smile turned into pleading eyes. He got closer to her "do you need to go? Are you ok" he tried to grab her face but she pulled back.

"Yes please my stomach has been hurting but I didn't know how to ask" she admitted

"Oh honey come with me please"

He made sure to make the shock device visible and led her to the restroom. Once they made it, he chained her leg
to a handle on the sink.

"I'll wait outside and you call for me when you're done"
his eyes darted to the clock "and there's other stuff in there if you need to do more.. like wash your hair or take a bath"

He left the room and Samira was left alone. The chain was long enough for her to walk around the restroom and get in the tub but not long enough to leave through the window. The door didn't have a lock and she knew he was waiting outside.

She began quietly rummaging between the cabinets to see if there was anything she could do but he only had feminine hygiene products for her.

She let out a quiet groan and continued with her business. Once she was done she decided it was bath time.

"Hey.. Ima take a bath" she yelled

"Alright tell me when you're done. I'll get you a towel"

While she was getting the water ready she realized that Massimo had bath bombs. It definitely confused her but she snatched one and decided to lay in the tub after it was full enough.

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