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Samira was nearing the end of her meal. That's when Massimo got up and went back upstairs. Samira didn't care much, plus she couldn't do anything since she was chained up.

As he was returning he brought down a tub of warm water and a few rags.

"Now that you've finished your meal I think it's time for you to get washed up..."

Samira stared down at her outfit and forgot how messy it was; there was dried up blood everywhere and she had completely forgotten about it. Massi stared at her as if he was waiting for something. He raised his brow and crossed his arms.

"What?" she said confused

"You have to take your clothes off, you're not going to be needing them for a while anyway"

She looked down at her thighs and looked back up at him.

"Uh.. haha no I'm not going to be taking anything off" she retorted

Massimo pointed at the device in his hand, the one used to shock her. She let out a forced smile and began unbuttoning her collared shirt. She was taking her sweet time and Massimo was not having it. He slammed his fist on the wall.

"Hurry up please" he growled pulling back at the end.

She flinched and began hurrying up the unbuttoning. Her breasts were beginning to peak behind the cloth. She was wearing a lacy black bra that made her chest pop out. Massimo couldn't keep his eyes off of her. His mind began wandering to another place. Filling itself with dirty thoughts of her. He shook his head out of the trance and continued looking at her.

Samira was left in nothing but lingerie.

"You're gonna have to take that off too ya know?" He chuckled

She looked very uncomfortable and scared.

"This water isn't going to stay warm forever lovely"

She began removing her bra, the straps were off but she held the cups towards her breast. After that she took off her panties slowly and set them too the side. Finally she also had set her bra to the side but was trying to cover herself up with her arms.

She was too ashamed and embarrassed to look at him.

"Alright then, you can wash yourself while I watch or let me wash you, your choice" he said.

"I'll do it myself" she mumbled

"Alright, I'll sit over here then" he smiled devilishly

He brought the tub of water near her, before getting comfortable on the couch.

"Try not to make a mess kitten"

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