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Samira was laying in her own mess, Massi didn't bother getting her cleaned up. The pretty skirt that she was wearing was drenched in blood and tears. She was silently weeping as she laid in the cage. There was no point in even trying anymore, she was trapped. Samira looked up at the door at the top of the stairs. She then laid her vision back down onto the ground.

Massimo was upstairs getting cleaned up. A bit of her blood had dropped onto the sleeve of his shirt and his slacks. He had taken his clothes off and was just left with his boxers. He made his way to his bathroom and looked in the mirror. Massi was a handsome man but, he had insecurities and doubts about his looks. Which is why he would never accept compliments from anyone. He stared in the mirror for a while before setting his eyes down. He didn't enjoy looking at himself too long.

He sat down on the stool next to him while contemplating a shower. While sitting he thought about Samira, his self esteem issues led to this happening. He believed that no one would want him so he had to take her by force. Eventually she would learn to like him, at least that's what he thought.

Finally Massi came to a decision on showering. He took his boxers off and turned on the cold water. He turned the knob on the hot water a bit, because while he didn't want his shower ice cold he preferred the lower temperature shower. Especially after all the stress with Samira.

As soon as he got out he combed his hair back and tied the towel around his waist. He looked in the mirror once more before darting his gaze to the ground. He switched the light off and stood under the door frame before finally leaving.

He began to walk to the basement door of the cabin. He unlocked both doors and went down to check on Samira. She was knocked out cold, she was still very messy but that whole situation must've been so tiring for her. He looked at her for a few minutes before heading back up.

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