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At that point he was no longer holding her tightly. There was only enough grip to keep her standing against him. She could feel something of his poking from behind and she tried to move her hips forward as to not feel it, but Massi shamelessly kept rubbing his growth on her behind.

He let go completely and she fell to the floor. Samira was covered, in blood, spit, and tears. She was uncontrollably sobbing on the floor while Massi fixed his clothing.

"Alright now, go ahead and crawl in" he said pointing at the cage.

He nudged her with his foot.

"Go on, before I change my mind and continue hurting you" he said more sternly than before.

Samira began dragging herself slowly into the cage as he watched her. Soft groans were leaving her lips as she slowly limped her way into the cage. She was in excruciating pain but she didn't want to make too much noise about it.

Once she was inside she realized that it was more comfortable than the floor or couch because of the cushioning. Her wounds were still bleeding but she had almost forgotten that she had them for a second.

At that moment she was in extreme daze, nothing felt real. She wasn't losing enough blood to be in that state but it must've been all the trauma that she just went through to cause her to be in that state.

Massi was done cleaning himself up when he saw that Samira was laying down in her cage without any complaint.

"I always knew you'd be my good girl" he said softly

He kneeled down by the cage and stuck his finger in at an attempt to touch her but she was too far in.

He got up dusted himself off and smiled down at her before picking up the mess of her food and heading back upstairs. He locked the door and waited by it to hear if Samira was trying to break out or make noise. It was completely silent.

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