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He might've bit more than he could chew with her. She was a tall young lady which made it a bit more difficult to drag her to the car parked in the other alley. It was all dead weight. He was only able to drag her for about ten seconds before setting her down to catch his breath.

Each time he would stop he would look around to make sure that all the building lights were off. He was smart enough to leave his car closer to where he drugged her, so he wouldn't have to struggle to drag her to his initial point.

It was a slow process, but he had finally made it to the alley where his car was parked. He set her down next to the wall to cover her from the outside view while he rested.

He took off his mask and took a deep breath in and exhaled a bit too loudly and covered his mouth after realizing it. His big brown eyes glistened in the moon light. The soft blue night tones complemented his yellow undertones, his rosy cheeks, and sandy tanned skin. His hair was black, but seemed like it was tinted blue in the moonlight.

He had his hands on his knees while he caught his breath. He wiped the sweat that was forming on his brow bone before grabbing the girl once again. He reached his forearms under her armpits and lifted her up from the ground as much as he could. It wasn't that much given his height.

For the last stretch of getting her to his car he gave it his all. He decided he didn't want to mess around much more because of the fear of her waking up prematurely.

They finally made it to his car. His face and palms were covered in sweat and he was grinding his teeth while pushing his limits a bit, but he was content.

He leaned her against his car so he could open the back door. She was sliding off to the side but luckily enough he caught her to avoid any unintended injuries. He sat her down in the backseat and made her face him. He grabbed the duct tape and taped her mouth shut, then he taped her legs together and nearly used up the whole tape roll to keep her secure. He used zip ties on her wrists and as an extra precaution he used handcuffs as well. Finally he put a blind fold on her before laying her down completely on his back seats. Since she was Long her legs were kind of scrunched up.

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