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Massimo was upstairs, he hadn't gone to sleep in forever. He decided to prepare himself some black coffee. After making his coffee he decided on what he was going to make Samira to eat.

"Maybe a salad and a sandwich? Hmm"

He prepped up her food along with a drink which was just water. He was heading downstairs when he noticed that she was still struggling.

"Baby I said that wasn't going to work" he chuckled "and I'd suggest that you stop or else I'm gonna have to hurt you a little bit so you understand ok?" He said while petting her head.

She flinched because she hadn't warmed up to his touch.

"Don't fucking touch me" she hissed at him

"tsk tsk Don't you understand? I can do whatever I want with you. You belong to me" he said while gripping her face "now I made you food, and I'm going to feed you so don't try to pull anything silly"

He let go off her face and began cutting up the sandwich into smaller pieces.

"Here bite it, I tried to mimic your orders from the cafe"

He was holding the sandwich against her face, but she didn't give in and tried to pull back as far as she could. He was beginning to get frustrated.

"ok fine" he said nonchalantly "I won't feed you then, if you're going to be so fucking difficult!"

He stomped upstairs with the sand and salad, but left the water.

"I'm going to sleep and I won't be back for a while" he said a bit more calmly from upstairs.

The door slammed and Samira could hear his stomping from the basement below. She continued on with struggling and it went on for hours. Eventually her hope of breaking loose was completely gone.

Whatever strength she had left was minimal, she decided to rest to see if it would be better after she woke up.

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