Abdel - "its high school, everyone has a crush."

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if you dk who this is swipe for pic of him :D

(based off of one of his povs :)

Abdel's pov: 

Beads of sweat started form on my forehead and my hands got clammy. My nerves were kicking in as I knew I were the conversation was leading. Should I lie? Or should I tell her the truth? It's been long enough right?

"So speaking of Jake and Ashley, do you have any crushes at the moment?" Y/n had a cheesy grin on her face as she rested her perfectly round face on her arm with her deep dimples on display. Her sparkling eyes staring into mine waiting for me to spill who it was. 

I laughed way too obviously guiltily. "Nobody." My cheeks went tomato red and I focused on fiddling with the bracelet I had on my wrist. "It's high school Abdel, cmon now everyone has a crush." Her long silky hair perfectly swaying as she tilted her head trying to get the information she wanted out of me. 

"Okay fine." y/n perked up and smiled slightly leaning her head towards me waiting impatiently to hear my next words. "It's you." 

I didn't even look up to see her reaction. I didn't want to see it I was too scared. 

She moved and I heard a door shut, I had presumed she left from the awkwardness of her not feeling the same. I didn't do move, I couldn't want to move. What I wanted was to curl up in a ball of embarrassment and never get up again.

That was until I heard a door open and my head lifted up and soft delicate lips on mine. I pulled back just as a tear rolled down my cheek that I didn't realize I was keeping in. It was y/n and she had her hands on my face and was now sitting in my lap. She wiped away my tear and hugged me tightly with her arms around my neck I hugged back with my arms around her torso with a look of disbelief on my face, not expecting this. 

"I just went to the bathroom to wipe my lipgloss off so I could kiss you." She giggled adorably and innocently. I laughed and smiled so bright, kissing her perfect lips. I couldn't be more happy right now.


short one. should i do a smut chapter now? if so who and what about? pleaseeee give me requests :) I take any requests. :) ty for reading loves

Tik tok people oneshots.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat