Jared jones - lost in Florida

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a smut of Jared as requested by WDW_PRETTYMUCH_743 I take requests from anyone about any tik toker! boy or girl.

y/n's pov:

"Are you fucking kidding me? This is paid for and I know it is stop trying to tell me it's not!!" I ran my hands across my face as I saw two security guards walking towards me. "Shit" I bolted for the lobby door before they could catch me. "Stupid fucking hotel anyways."

When I got outside I took a sharp brisk turn around the corner and bumped into someone, falling. "Ah, fuck." A large silhouette was all I could see. "I'm so sorry, let me help you up." A hand leaned out for mine. 

It was a man's voice for sure. "Thank you." I propped myself up and brushed my clothes off. Suddenly I yelped in pain. My ankle hurt like hell. I started to fall trying to hold onto my ankle, attempting to relieve the pain. He caught me holding me up straight and he looked worried. I got a proper look at his face and. Wow. "Let me help you home, where are you staying at you don't sound American?" 

"I'm not. I'm broke and have no service on my phone and I did pay for a room in the Romeroze but they said I didn't so I guess I'm sleeping on the streets tonight." His eyes widened at my situation. "There's no way I'm letting you do that, you can stay with me and my roomate until you figure out what you're doing." I just nodded because that sounds better than sleeping on a park bench for the night with a busted ankle.

A cab pulled up by him whistling at it. I forgot that was a thing in America. 

Quite a large apartment complex. It's nice though. When I got out of the cab I forgot about my injury and stepped on it. "FUCK" He rushed over to me as the cab pulled off. "Shit are you okay?" Nodding I came to a realization. "Hold up what's your name?" The boy smiled and laughed "Quite exciting we don't even know each other right?" I rolled my eyes giggling. "I'm y/n."

"Jones, Jared Jones."

Five minutes later Jared had helped me up to his apartment and settled me on his couch. "Khalil must not be back yet." That must be the roomate, right okay. "So where are you from then?" Jared sat beside me tossing me a bottle of water and drinking one his self. "(wherever you're from.)" 

"No way that's cool, so what are you doing in Florida?" Shrugging I pulled the water bottle to my lips. "I was meant to visit a friend that isn't actually here, I'm flying home in 2 weeks I'll just have to find somewhere to stay for then." 

"Come with me I'll help you walk." The lights in there were dimmed. It was a nice place. He brought me to his kitchen . "Okay so we don't actually have chairs because Khalil broke them trying to do a stunt, so... you can sit on the table for a sec?" I nodded and laughed. I need to meet this roomate. I hopped up on the table and watched him walk into another room. 

"Okay so Khalil broke his foot a while ago and has crutches from it and also this sick thing that will be tight on it to help. "You don't know how much I appreciate this, thank you." 

"No problem considering it was my fault you hurt yourself." Jared bent to my ankle to put the bandage thing on it. I watched him do it. I was looking at his hands doing what they were. I think they could be doing anything and I would get turned on.

When Jared stood back up he face was awfully close to mine and he was staring into my eyes. "I finished putting it on." No words came out, I was so nervous. Without hesitation, and the adrenaline of not knowing this guy more than an hour, being a total and not to mention gorgeous stranger I kissed him. Quickly enough I pulled away. "I'm sorry I-"

"Don't be" Jared placed both of his hands on the sides of my face, he kept one there letting the right one to roam my waist and back. His hand moved gently down to my thigh. "Is this okay?" I nodded placing my lips back to his as soon as I could. Jared pulled my jeans down slowly and placed a finger over my panties rubbing up and down slowly, causing me to whimper. 

"faster, please" Jared kissed my neck down slowly, moving down my body. Jared grabbed the top of my panties with his teeth pulling them down. I had my hands either side of me on the table and my head ducked back as I felt him lick a stripe from my clit to my core. I let out moans as he swirled his tongue around my clit and I tangled my fingers in his hair. "Yes, don't stop."

I layed down on the table and arched my back, he pushed me back down with his free hand.

Then he placed two fingers inside of me, plunging them in and out going faster with each thrust. At this point he was sucking on my clit and I had already came twice. "Jared I-I'm about to cum again, please." This caused Jared to go faster and harder. 

I released and Jared lifted himself up from down below me, he helped me up from the table and I was breathing heavily sitting in front of him. "I can't believe I just let a stranger do that to me." I bowed my head in embarrassment. 

"So you didn't like it?" His eyebrows furrowed. "Well that's really a different question."  Jared laughed and we heard a door shut. 

"Fucking Khalil." Jared panicked and stood in front of me trying to cover me up because I wouldn't have had time to put my jeans back on. 

"Hey man they didn't have any peanut butter but I can-" Khalil stopped what he was saying and scaremed "OH MY FUCKING GOD BRO" He started laughing hysterically. Khalil turned his back and walked off into his bedroom, not leaving with saying:


My face went red and Jared laughed kissing me.

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