Chapter 12

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Lucy's POV

I quickly run back upstairs and change into some jeans and slip on some black ballet flats. I walk over to my dresser, sit down and apply a little foundation. I brush out my hair then place it in a nice french braid, pulling out little pieces here and there to make it look 'not so put together'. I spray on Rihanna's Nude Perfume that David bought me for my birthday then make my way downstairs, collecting all of my things, I walk out of the front door, lock it, then walk to my car. I'm so excited to see David I barely make it to my car. Once I'm in, I start it up and switch from CD player to the radio, then drive off down the street.


I pull up to the restaurant and park my car in an empty space. I check myself in the mirror before getting out, making sure I look nice for David, then head into the restaurant. I walk inside, immediately acknowledged by the staff, once they notice who I am, they usher me towards the kitchen. I smile, thank them and then slip through the kitchen doors. The smell hits me like a tidal wave, all these different falvours wafting around in the air are bringing all of my senses to life, mmm I love this place. Looking around I can't find David anywhere, that's when I see Mike. Smiling, I walk over to Mike where he greets me "Hey Lucy! How have you been? Long time no see" "Hey Mike, i've been great! How have you been?" I reply "Oh you know i've been great too" he says while flipping different foods in a pan "That smells great!" I grin looking at the various vegetables and meat in the pan "Do you wanna try?" "Uh, sure... mmm that's delicious!" I try to say with my mouth full "Haha thanks Lucy" "Oh you're welcome Mike, anyway I just stopped by to see David. Do you know where he may be?" I ask still smiling about the food i just ate "Oh didn't he tell you? He finished work at 5pm." Mike replied still cooking away "Um, no. He said he had to work late and that he was going to stay at your house tonight?" I said a little, no a lot, confused "Uhh? No he doesn't have a busy day today Lucy. And he's not staying at my house tonight either?" Mike said just as confused as I am "But he said that today was the same as yesterday, he's working late, and staying at your house..." I say now with anger and annoyance "I'm sorry Lucy, but none of that is true, today and yesterday he finished at 5pm" Mike replied giving me a sympathetic look "But-never mind, I'll see you later Mike" I now say full if hurt and frustration "Yeah I'll see you too, bye Lucy".


Davids POV

This dinner thing with Emily is going amazing, i've learnt a lot about her in this past hour or so. Her great smile she does every time I look at her, the way her eyes sparkle every time I complement her, the way she twirls her hair and fidgets when she's nervous or shy. She's Beautiful. "...And then my cousin smacked his head onto the railing when he tried to sock slide" she laughed "wow" I laughed, she's so adorable. We've both finiahed eating when she starts clearing the table away. Vrrr vrrr, vrrr vrrr I feel a vibration in the pocket of my jeans, I reach for my phone and check who's calling me. Lucy. "Uh Hello? Babe I'm sorry I'm really busy at w-" "David. Where are you? I just popped into the resraurant and Mike said you finished at 5pm?" Lucy said cuttig me off, that was a close one, she almost caught me lying "Uh um, I'm doing some stuff" I replied hesitantly "What kind of stuff?" She questioned "I was just home for about 10 minutes and now I'm heading to the gym" "Oh." she breathed "I'm sorry I didn't call and tell you I finished early today, I know I should of, I'm so sorry. Forgive me?" I begged "Of course I forgive you, but I expect you to be home in a least two hours okay honey?" "Yes i definately will be baby, love you" I said while blowing a kiss through the phone "Love you too". "Hey honey?" Emily called "Yeah?" "Could help me with the dishes please?" She continued "Yeah sure" I replied walking into the kitchen "Hey Ems?" "Mmm?" She hummed "I have to be home in two hours, my wife found out I finished early so I lied and told her i was at the gym" I waited timmidly for her reply "Oh that's fine" she waved "Really?" I asked surprised "Yes really. Oooh and I know what we could do for your 'workout' David" she replied a smirk spread across her face. I just winked and continued to dry the dishes.

Lucy's POV

I just finished talking to my husband on the phone. He thinks everything is peachy, little does he know, that I know, that he finnished early yesterday, without telling me and he didn't come home. Now when he returns I am going to confront him.


I'm back. I hope you liked this chapter, finally David might be getting caught out? Don't go anywhere though, stay tuned for another update

Thank you all so so so so much for reading my book and continuing to read it. Tbh i think this chapter was a dumb one, but you all can be the judges of that. Anywho, please comment what you think, i love to read your comments. You guys make me laugh. Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

Okay, Bye and love you guys ♡ xx

I wasn't enough.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin