Chapter 8

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David's POV

Sure I felt bad about texting Lucy that I have a late night tonight and saying I'd be staying at Mikes house.

I'm obviously staying at Emily's instead but what am I supposed to say to her?

I'm finishing work early and I'll be staying at Emily's house, the girl I'm cheating on you with?

Hell no! She'd rip my head off. Plus she just found out she's pregnant, I don't want to ruin this happy moment for her.

I'm happy that we're having a child too but I'm also terrified... I don't know the first thing about kids.

I work at a restaurant where there are no children, unless they come out with their families to eat. Even then I only see them when the customers want to speak to me.

I don't know if I should tell Emily that Lucy's pregnant, I mean she'd flip, and I don't want that to happen.

I want to have a great time at her house not have us yelling at each other.

There's no way I'm going tell Lucy I'm cheating on her, she'd be devastated. She thinks I'm the best husband any woman could have and I'll just let her keep thinking that.

I can't wait until I finish work at 5, I just hope Lucy doesn't stop by.


Thank goodness! It's the time to get to Emily's but I better text Lucy first.

David: Hey baby, if you were thinking of stopping by the restaurant, don't worry about it. We are so busy! And we wouldn't even get a second alone :( I'm sorry I'll see you tomorrow :) love you xox

That should do it! Now I wait.

Lucy: Oh darn! I was totally thinking of stopping by... I miss you </3

I feel a ping of guilt in my heart, right in the center. Like someone grabbed a dagger and stabbed right through the middle of my heart... should I just go home? I do miss Lucy a lot....

*vrr vrr* Who could that be? Private number?

"Uh, Hello?" I ask waiting anxiously.

"Hey baby, it's Emily!" She replies excitedly  "where the heck are you? Its been 10 minutes..."

"Shit Ems, I was so scared, I didn't know who was calling me it said private number?"

"Oh yeah sorry about that, I saw this phone at work and asked around to whom may own it but no one seemed to know, so I took it" Emily answers a little too happily.

"What? So you stole it" I reply a little shocked.

"Ugh, why do you have to be a buzz kill? The reason I called you on this phone was because I have no credit and this phone did..."

"Oh? And don't worry I'll be there in about 30 minutes tops ok?"

"Sure thing, I'll see you soon babe mwah!"

So much for going back to your wife.

Oh well, this is what's best for me, she keeps me on my toes.

*30 minutes later*

I'm parked out the front of Emily's house but I can't bring myself to open the door.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I beep the horn then acted like I was looking for something in my car.

The only way I can get out of this car is if Emily comes down and pulls me out of it.

"What are you doing silly?" She asks standing with her arms folded across her chest. A cheeky grin on her face.

"Oh um, just looking for... this! I found it... my Ed Sheeran CD you know how much I love him..." I say with a half smile.

She just looks down at me and pulls me out of the car.

Once we're inside Emily closes the door behind her and slams my back against the wall.

She undoes her blouse and starts to undo my jeans.

"Emily stop" I say looking deep into her eyes.

"What? Stop being ridiculous" she laughs as she continues to fiddle with my jeans.

"No Emily. I mean it. Can't we just talk, eat and do other couple type stuff? What about watch a movie?" I reply trying not to sound unsatisfying.

"What? Why? Don't you want me?" Emily asks irratation in her voice.

"You know I do, but not like that right now. I want to do other stuff" I say sympathetically.

"Well I don't! Stop being a wuss and just do what I want!" she answers now yelling.


"You know what I'm outta here! I'll be back whenever I feel like it. Not that you'd care anyway" she replies digust in her voice.

"Emily wait. Where are you going? Just stay. Don't you want to bond?" I try to say without my voice cracking.

"Don't you get it? I don't! Just leave me alone! Before I leave you for good!" She says, storming off.

Honestly I don't get it, why wouldn't she want to bond or do couple like things?

Lucy would've jumped at the chance to do any of these things... I just don't get why Emily doesn't?

Don't girls love this kind of stuff? I could make us a romantic dinner and chocolate pie for dessert.

I know chocolate pie is Lucy's favorite.

David get a hold of yourself!

Why are you thinking about Lucy you're supposed to be thinking about Emily!

I guess I'll just have to wait for her to get back, Oh Emily.


Hey guys hope you like this chapter I'm sorry that it's short but I just wanted to show you guys what David was thinking not that you'd care very much.... but anyways


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