Chapter 11: i am no beast!

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~18 months later~

Fiadh's POV

Kattegat has changed, well I assume it has, I wasn't there for long before we went to York. Ivar surprisingly kept his promise and I got that dreadful collar off. He said I could run off and go home if I chose too, I did for a short time but I came back...

~a few days after the battle for Kattegat~

I was near my cage I had pretty much been shackled too, I can get about 7ft around the whole thing, Ivar still comes by still to just talk about my 'abilities and strengths' as he puts it. Can't really tell him much as my birth mother didn't tell me much or rather I don't remember much from what she said so I had to either make things up as I grew up. I always felt strangers eyes on me, not the people staring at me like strangers that me, I just didn't know where. Isn't that strange?

"So tell me Fiadh, what's it like to kill when your shifted? Is it exciting" Ivar asks as we walk around, I slow down a bit just for Ivar, even though his leg has healed up from when I clawed at it that night. "I is just like when you kill but with claws and inhuman strength making your berserkers strength like a child's" I chuckle a bit looking down at my feet a little, I hear Ivar laugh too, he's not done that in a while then I feel two warm fingers and a thumb on my chin and bring my face look up at his face, for a second or two I was the old Ivar, he bit the inside of his cheek, his eyes studying my face and I his, he leaned in and gave me what felt like the softest kiss in history of kisses. Once I opened my eyes, I saw into his eyes and I leant my forehead on his and to break the temporary silence. "Your...are free now Fiadh, I free you from being my slave" Ivar says then he unlocked the collar and chain and before I could say anything he moved away and walked off, i could see a little sad face right where his was even though wasn't looking at him, he's practically walking with his tail between his legs so to speak.

~back to 18 months later

It's been over a year, I traveled back home for a 2 months. Tara had been made into a large market place and Dublin has a little over 200 Norsemen and shield maidens, a small farm or two and docks similar to the ones in Vestfold. I learnt that King Harald has been kidnapped and imprisoned by Largatha, halfdan is still with bjorn and his brothers. On the third month I traveled all over Ireland and I eventually went back over seas to Norway, I traveled the mountains and forests to Denmark and over to the boarder of Sweden, it was there I found other werewolves. It wasn't easy to integrate myself into the pack, most didn't even speak they just acted like wolves. So it took me three months to get used to the pack ways, the alpha female didn't like me much but I won her approval by killing the biggest stag they'd seen in 12 years, plus I was the only wolf with blue eyes aswell, every one had gold. The alphas eyes were red and the females were a light purple, they're names were Janis and Ronja, they told me about their pup they lost years ago, I felt sorry for them, I hadn't known my parents and they lost their pup.

Round about the similar time they lost their child, Janis and Ronja's pack were passing through home.
Their pack and another pack didn't like each other much, there were many deaths and so much blood shed until the other pack finally chased them out but just before that some of the other packs wolves joined with Janis and Ronja.

*thinks back to a conversation with Janis*

"I think we really won the battle, we gained nearly half of their pack and as we left there was a great storm, I had never seen so much lightning and rain before..." Janis explained, "how long ago?" I asked curiously as I tore into the deer meat that we hunted down a couple days ago. "Nearly 20 years ago, our pack hasn't been back since" Janis explained, 'hmm..' I thought. "Why doesn't Ronja like me still? She seemed so pleased when I caught that stag....maybe I should just stop trying to impress her, nothing seems to work Janis" I said pouting a little, he put hand on my shoulder and I looked at him. "If you ask me, she is threatened by you Fiadh...your quiet a powerful young wolf, none of us fight like you" Janis says while chuckling when he said she's threatened by me, I smiled....

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