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A great storm had come about in the early evening, lightning striking almost everywhere it could, it poured down with heavy rain so much that Any small stream had over flown and flooded neighboring fields, people crowded any available shelter, children screaming as they were terrified of this great storm.....
Aoife (ee-fa) who sadly hasn't been blessed with a child yet, looked out a small hole in the boards that covered the her Windows to see the storm, she was the only one brave enough to look. Her house was just outside the village hidden by trees, bushes and other nature. She was confined to this place to 'help' her be provided with a child, though she wasn't desperate like most women in her village were for her the have one.

As morning approached Aoife stepped outside to check nothing had been to damaged, the mud clung to her shoes and squelched under her feet as she picked up part of the broken fence to try put it back the way it was when she heard something move in the woods. "Hello?...." She quietly spoke, then there was low growl from behind a large bush by a tree that had been struck by lightning last night. She picked up a small weapon that had been given to her to protect herself, should anything dangerous try to get in. "Come out and reveal yourself....I'm not afraid, I am no..." She paused as she saw a small crying child, no older than three she suspected. She lowered her weapon to try not to scare the child anymore. "Hello there little one...." She said calmly, the child kept crying and hid their face in their hands. Aoife sat down not far where the child was and started playing peek-a-boo, the child peeked it's eyes through it slightly dirt covered fingers. Their eyes appeared to glow a strange blue for a second or two, she was a little taken back but continued to try calm the child down, after five or so minutes the child had calmed down and tired itself out from crying. Aoife picked up the child seeing that it was girl with porcelain white skin dotted with freckles, hair a light ginger colour.
"Where's your mama huh? Also how'd your survive a storm like lasts nights by yourself" she says carrying her inside.
A couple days pass by Aoife learnt the child's name was Fiadh (fee-a) and that she loved to eat berries and rabbits, she also refused to wear shoes most of the time, taking a bath was proving quiet difficult to get her to do. Over all Aoife learnt that Fiadh was unlike any other child in the village or any child for that matter.

~15 years later~

Fiadh was now 18 with long red hair, it had darkened over the years, now it was as reddy orange as fire and parts were as red as blood. She was so adventurous, loved to be outdoors, she was incredibly strong too both physically and as a person and yes she still didn't like wearing shoes but she would when kings sent for her when there was war. On days of celebration she'd dance around the fires that were lit at night, she'd sometimes show off her glowing eyes, no one feared that she'd attack them. The celts saw werewolves as protecters unlike the legends in other country's...

Fiadh would help protect the farmers animals at nights sometimes when she'd shift to full wolf form, she had a thick but short black fur with bright colbolt blue eyes

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Fiadh would help protect the farmers animals at nights sometimes when she'd shift to full wolf form, she had a thick but short black fur with bright colbolt blue eyes. She'd fight off intruders that they'd had over the years, word had traveled all over from southern Un Néill, Laigin and all the way down to Eòganacht about the Mac tìre (wolf) of Tara. They didn't know her outside of being in wolf form as she was so fast but her firey blood like hair was known much like the other legendary people and Celtic gods. Fiadh was often asked how does one become a wolf but she didn't really know, so people made myths and of coarse they where tested but most died as they believed they where wolves themselves but clearly weren't. Kings from other parts of Ireland would send for her in times of war, she loved being able to fight, mainly using her claws and fangs but she could use a sword and bow. With her sight and other heightened senses she had pin point accuracy, she had her little group of friends to explore places and sometimes steal from others especially from people scouting out places to camp before attacking or just for fun.

(Hopefully all is making sense so far....)


This is my first Vikings fanfic, so be nice. Some parts will be from the show and other stuff added in.
Hope everyone is staying safe during these times,
Fiadh in full wolf is as you know from the cover a black furred wolf with bright colbolt eyes but when she just half wolf she's like the ones in Teen wolf, with the same ability to take pain. Those who know her identity outside of the village were mostly dying men on the battle field while she took there pain easing them into deaths arms.

Ik IK werewolves have nothing to do with the show but I did my research to see what the celts and the Norsemen thought or knew about werewolves plus I was gonna use some stuff that's mentioned about bludbods (wrong spelling probably but hey) in the show grimm as there are some Germanic tales about the werewolf there too.
Remember this is a fanfiction. But I still did my research.

Anyways enjoy, I'll be writing chapters 1 and 2 in the next couple days. Hell maybe even chapter 1 might be up tonight...who knows

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