Chapter 6: nightmare or dream?

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~week after Sigurd's death~


Screams heard all around, growls and roars were loud and echoed from inside buildings and on the streets.
Claw marks on wooden posts, houses and carts...even Ivar's chariot.

"Stop....don't do this..." I hear Ivar yell.

Bodies were everywhere, fresh blood painted the walls and was to be seen still pouring from people's bodies.

"You beasts will not defeat us!!" Ubbe yelled as he swung his sword at...other werewolves

Next thing I know I'm running, my breath getting heavy.
"Fiadh!!....Fiadh where are you?!...".....I know that voice..but where from

I suddenly see my own eyes, glowing blue eyes

I see Ivar, he as usual was covered in blood, question is what's his or the blood of others.
I ran over too him, "Ivar by the gods your ok..." "Come on we have to get out of here....follow..."
I looked round and were surrounded by other werewolves, some fully shifted and others only with canines and claws...

Next thing Ubbe, some other Vikings and Ivar were on their knees, wolves ready too either rip them apart or tear their throats out as some wolves had their claws digging into their throats already.
Some men prayed, others showed no fear

The human part of me was panicking not knowing weather to run and help them or Just run and save myself

I looked over to Ivar, he appears unafraid on the outside because after all he is Ivar the boneless

Soon I feel a throat with in my grasp, I slowly look down, I hear both our breathes and heartbeats fighting over each other in my ears.

"Do it Fiadh!" "He stole you from your home?" "His men killed your mother....killed eòghan...killed shames"
"He is Viking, kill him or he'll kill you" "he deserves it...look what he did to his own people" "he let your human mother die" "he only wants you for the beast you really are" "your strength, higher senses and speed are what's of interest to him" "your nothing but an animal....a monster to these people"

All these voices were speaking at first sounding like other people but then sounded just like me so I just screamed and squeezed my eyes shut, my scream had faded to a roar so I opened my eyes thinking I'd be awake but no

I was still there

Bodies everywhere, mainly men, one or two shield maidens



Claw marks and teeth marks on walls of stone and wood and flesh

Not another werwolf in sight

I then see Ubbe, hvitserk, bjorn and countless others just fall down dead alongside the other bodies

A throat still in my grasp, it was Ivar's

Soon all the voices where echoing from all directions, so I roared and suddenly I hear a thud and the sound of somebody choking on blood, I looked down its Ivar looking back at me, such sadness in eyes ocean eyes

I felt mostly rage and pure animal instinct
Snapping snarling

(Play sound skip to 1:06)

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