Chapter 7: A moment of truth or disaster

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Fiadh POV

I was made to things with the other women, yes some trained as shield maidens but I usually trained with Ivar and his brothers but since Ivar came back from King olafs, freydis had wormed her way into his heart like it was a rotten apple.
They had even spoken of having children, which I'm not sure how that'd work because Ivar apparently can' know, I've been feeling really off since the full moon had just past, I'm usually just re-booted like feel kinda reborn and energised but now it's just lust and heart ache, why am I suddenly feeling like this? Am I sick? No that's not possible...I've never been sick not since I first started shifting, I'm so confused.
"There back, do they have enough of it? To show who the wolf is?" I hear Ivar say, he was in the great hall and I was across vestfold training with shield maidens, some younger girls would watch us. I'm actually starting to panic as I feel that Ivar know for sure its me, he just needed proof of some kind even though he'd either seen me be physically stronger that his men, been faster to get things done, the fact he rarely saw me in battle at York and even when left large scratch marks on the barrel of water Sigurd tried to drown me in. I can't believe he's still so fic sated on finding the wolf, is he scared I'll over power him? Does he want me by his side for power? He's such a megalomaniac.

"No no like this, your swinging to hard...also your foot goes here" I say as try to teach some of the young girls some basic self defence moves, one or two mother scowled at the fact that foreigner was teaching them things, some of the girls were curious of how the celts lived and some of their practices. I'm glad they aren't so objected to learn new things about our other cultures, it made me happy and took the edge off a from how I was feeling. I had sensed Ivar was watching close by thinking he can hide behind a cloak that hid face from the world but I knew he would be there, I tried talking to him sometimes, we'd get a few words in but then freydis would stroll over, she was like a snake in the grass. I'm not intimidated by her in the slightest, I've never been tempted to eat a person before but she just....argh.

~later in the afternoon~

I was carrying a couple bails of hay to feed the horses and other animals that needed fed when I heard little foot steps coming behind me, tiny giggles as well, these kids are more tiresome than trying to teach a dog how to obey commands.
The younger girls wanted to learn more and know more about Ierland, even some of the young boys wanted to know things as they saw some of my stances and moves were a little better than what they were used too. Some music could be heard near the great hall....

(Play the sound now, IK it's not Viking but just go with me on this...)

I quickly went round the corner of the great hall, whoever was in there could clearly see me though one of the windows. I placed the bails of hay down and quickly hid, the kids came round the corner after me laughing but were confused because I had just disappeared. I whistled to get their attention, they were looking around everything and under things.

Ivars POV

These preparations were getting really boring, even though there was a little music near by which I guess kept my spirits up. Freydis was taking a much needed rest, after last night I am not surprised. I then see a familiar lot of red friey hair by the Window, it was Fiadh. 'What is she doing?' I thought to myself, I managed to smile a little. Some kids soon came into view were Fiadh had previously just been, now I'm really curious, so I got up from my seat with my crutch and made my way to the door.

Fiadh POV

"Fiadh?" "Where'd she go?" Some of them say, I was up in a tree hidden by a branch or two, so I whistled again. Next thing I smell is Ivar emerging from the great hall, 'oh how nice of him to grace us with his presence' I sarcastically thought to myself. I jumped down near the kids and let out a pretend roar and some of them played along and screamed, I began to chase after them until we got near where the music was, I could hear Ivars crutch squelching in the mud after us but I'm just gonna ignore him. "Who here knows how to dance?hmm" I ask, some of them were laughing, some trying to catch their breath, some began showing a couple moves. "Hmmm...well done, want to see how we Irish dance to music?" I say nicely as I rested my hands on my knees. "Yes dance dance" one of the littlest ones said as she messed with my hair. So I began dancing by skipping a little and waving my arms around like grass in the wind, clapping every some often, the kids soon joined in and managed to clap to the beat of music. A few adults were watching as I was dancing with the kids so I pulled some of them over to dance with us, the crowd began to form and roared with laughter and clapping to the music as it got faster and faster. "She is a strange wild girl" I hear King harald say to Ivar as he watched us, he'd tap his fingers on his crutch, bishop heachmund soon emerged through the crowd and joined with us, I was surprised, I never knew holy men like him danced at all.
I was having such a fun time dancing that I felt like I was back home, I'd dance at celebrations, of course barefoot because I enjoy the feeling of mud on my feet and in between my toes.

The Boneless and The beast Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ