The girl turned her head when she heard her name being called and saw the boy running towards her.

"Em, you have to get away from there. That thing will kill you!"

The girl couldn't look away from the sight of her parents' bodies. Arthur had made it to Emi and grabbed her hand before running in the opposite direction.

"Momma! Papa!" Emi screamed.

The two continued running away from the monster when a figure appeared in front of them.

"Well hello kiddies," the figure giggled.

Levy and Emi looked at the figure with wide eyes. Before finishing each other's thoughts.

"That looks like..."


"Who's that?" Lucy asked.

"A shadow demon of sorts," Levy explained. "He has the power to control you."

Rogue looked at the demon for a second before looking down at his hands.

"Don't worry, Rogue," Emi soothed. "I already looked into it. Your shadows aren't like that."

The group watched as the memory played out.

"Why is a high level demon attacking your village? Why work with such a low-rank demon like Delorca?"

Emi couldn't take her eyes off the memory.

"Be wise and hand over the girl."

"Never! Go away and leave our village alone!"

"I guess I'll just have to kill you then."

Arthur put his hand in the air, a sword appearing out of nowhere.

"Hey Erza, isn't that your magic?"

"It is indeed."

"Oh ho ho. The little rat can use magic. This should be entertaining as I watch you hopelessly fight."


"I promise you," Arthur started as he turned to her one last time, "I won't let anyone hurt you as long as I'm alive. You can count on that."

Emi and Sting looked in awe at the promise that the boy had made. They were the exact same words as Sting's promise to her. Tears started falling as Sting reached out for her hand. Emi couldn't watch the rest of the memory play out, feeling what was about to happen. She turned to Sting and placed her head in his chest as she sobbed.


Suddenly, a wail of pain could be heard before silence clouded the scene.


Emi could hear her past self screaming and crying before another scream was heard. This one sounded deeper.

"It's over, Em."

Emi let go of Sting and faced the memory again.

The little girl opened her eyes to see a man standing over her. He was carrying a sheathed sword.

"Hey, kid. Sorry I was a little late."

Emi looked up at the man, telling him that she didn't know who he was. The man laughed.

"Of course you don't. We've never met."

"Why did you come here when there's a monster here?"

"That's exactly why I came, kid."

"Cain? He was there that day?"

"That's strange. Why would he come?"

"So Assassin. It's been a long time, hasn't it buddy?" Cain sarcastically questioned.

"You!" Assassin hissed before trying to lunge at the man.

"Tsk tsk. Hasn't anyone told you to respect your superiors?"


Emi looked on at Cain as he spoke to the demon.

"You'll pay for this, Cain. They'll surely find you and destroy you! You trai--"

Cain's sword interrupted the demon's screeches, successfully decapitating him. His head had fallen on Cain's shoe.

"Great," Cain complained, addressing the dead body of the Assassin. "Look what you've done. You dirtied my shoes."


Cain turned back to the little girl. He bent down and patted her head.

"I have a place that'll be safe for us."

"Momma and Papa?"

Cain looked out over the village as it burned.

"They're dead, kid. Time to move on."

"Jeez," Natsiu commented. "That's super harsh."

"Delorca and Deliora are related, right Emi?" Gray questioned.

"Supposedly. I'm not entirely sure. That's what one of my memories said at least."

Gray looked at the monster as it continued to destroy the village.

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