"I'll only go if Hamza does. You know I can't live without that brute,"

"I'm sure you can convince him. He doesn't seem too fond of this place any longer,"

Lara nodded approvingly, "Then it's settled. I'm coming with you,"

A bright smile enveloped my lips. I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, laying my chin atop her head. Lara was too important for me to lose, and while we may have only known each other's a solid 2 weeks, it felt like I'd know her for far more. Her soul was too colourful for a castle as dark as Luca's and maybe, in her absence, her mother would realize just how wonderful she was.

"I'm too bitchy to leave this earth just yet, Leila," She mumbled into my chest, "don't worry about me,"

I pulled away form her and sighed, worried.

Goddess, how could I not worry?

"I'm going to meet with Dalal and I'll update you with everything that happens, alright? You just stay here with your male and I'll handle everything," I laid a kiss on the top of her head, the same way a siblings would bid their farewells back at the north.

The look of passion on her face told me she knew that, and I was glad she did. Lara really was the sister I never had.

"I love you, Leila. Please don't make me outlive you," She said, sniffing.

"I love you more, Lara. And I'll try my best," I stood up, sending her one last smile before leaving her room and bee-lining to my room.

Something in me told me Dalal would be there. The dagger strapped to my thigh itched to puncture the back of her neck with a passion and I would satisfy that urge. I would make her my slave if it meant she would never be able to lay a hand on any of the people's names I'd written on that wall hours ago.

Hamza stood in my way, eyes frantic, "What did she say?"

"Out of my way," I said, pushing past him as I stride towards my chambers. Wherever Dalal was, I was going to make her my bitch, quite literally. She would be my dog.

My steps forced the candle's to cower in submission. They saw the look in my eyes; complete and utter determination. Nobody was going to hurt my people, my family before getting through me first. If it meant I had to die so that they didn't, then so be it.

I was no longer hiding from the havoc. I was becoming it.

The fury in my veins hastened my steps, so much that I reached my room in just minutes. The scent of Dalal's presence rushed up my nostrils as I stood in front of my door, evoking my face to scrunch up in disgust. It smelled similar to the rotting soil of the outskirts, and I didn't know if that was her or my room. I just knew it smelt horrible.

I rose my foot and slammed it into the door, breaking it open. The aura of my entire room was off. My windows were foggy with the respiration of the moist soil in my plants, my closet was rummaged with and my cupboards were all open. From beneath my kitchen counter, Dalal rose, fear hiding beneath the honey brow hue of her eyes.

"L-Leila! Thank goddess you're here!" She exclaimed, running to me, "Someone's broken in-"

I held my palm out to her, stopping her from speaking.

"I'm going to need you to be honest with me," I said, a swear running down my forehead, "have you been playing with my mind?"

Her eyes widened and she shook her head frantically, "I don't have the ability to read your thoughts nor play with them- I - I promise-"

"What happened to Lara?" I asked, "And don't try lying,"

"I don't know!" She whimpered, hands held at her chest, "I really don't!

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