chapter twenty one

Start from the beginning

"What's Jane doing here?" Jisoo's voice came from behind them Lisa's head quickly turning to face her best friend that was equally confused as her. Lisa simply shrugged since she didn't have the answers that both of them needed at the moment. Evelyn was obviously annoyed that Jennie appeared out of nowhere, the woman was not the biggest Jennie Kim fan and it showed. Maybe that is why Jennie was there now, because she didn't get the chance to rub her presence on Evelyn's face when she could. "Hello, Jisoo, Evelyn," Jennie said and then layed her eyes on Lisa's annoyed and surprised figure a faint smirk painted on the woman's lips. "Ms Manoban" Jennie said referring to her in a professional way after Lisa claimed that they once worked together.

"It's so nice to see all of you here"


Was she a bad person? A hundred percent but it's not like she could really help it. Jennie had learned that she was going to go the extra mile to make sure that Lisa knew who she temporarily belonged to. She had claimed her way too many times, she had made sure that Lisa knew who she was going to go back to when she needed to. This was a first for her as well, she wasn't used to following people around, literally haunting them down just so she could be in the same place as them at the same time. Was she possessive and overall a toxic person? Maybe. But that way she never missed out on anything she wanted. She always had what she desired and by now Lisa was her biggest desire. Seeing her with Evelyn surely annoyed her a lot but she knew that Lisa would certainly not think about her fiancé anymore.

She was now laying on her bed, a towel wrapped around her body since she had just gotten out of the shower. The sun had settled down and there was no way she was staying in while being in Hawaii, the most exotic place on Earth. "It was about time," Jennie laughed when she saw her screen light up, Lisa's name popping up immediately. She would be lying if she said she wasn't waiting for a phone call or a text from her, of course she was expecting the woman to reach out to her from the moment she saw her walk out of the elevator. "New record babe, it's been four hours since you saw me" was the first thing she said when she picked up, her eyes closing as she relaxed her body a little bit more completely letting herself sink in the mattress. "What the fuck do you think your doing?" Lisa's irritated voice reached her ears, the tone of Lisa's voice sparkling a fire within Jennie's body.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," Jennie sighed as she held back her laughter, the fact that she was annoying Lisa getting to her. She could practically imagine the expression that was painted all over Lisa's face at that moment. "We need to talk, you need to leave" Lisa said all serious once again, her tone changing into something even more aggressive and cold and Jennie could only imagine what was to come. She wasn't worried though, she knew how to have full control over Lisa. She may have been acting tough but as soon as she would lay eyes on her again Lisa would be ready to melt and fall apart again. "304, don't even knock" Jennie said and hang up before Lisa had a chance to say anything, the woman getting up so she would be ready when Lisa would walk in, if she would walk in.

The sound of a door slamming filled her ears, and then she counted one, two, three, four and knock. That's a big problem that Lisa had , she was bad at following introduction most of them time or when she was angry to be more exact. Shaking her head Jennie took a few steps towards the door when she saw it fly open, Lisa's tall figure walking only a step in so she could close the door behind her. "You even got a room next to mine Jane? Are you serious?" Lisa asked in disbelief, throwing her hands in the air. This could be the first time that Jennie went over the limits according to Lisa's standards. Jennie just smiled and walked backwards until her legs hit the bed once again. "Who says I even got here for you?" Jennie asked and took a seat once again, her towel opening up slightly to expose her legs.

"My eyes are up here," Jennie pointed out when Lisa's eyes traveled down her body, the woman literally eating her up with her eyes. "You said you want to talk, will you? Or are you going to keep eye fucking me?" Jennie asked again and this time she got up again approaching Lisa who was standing frozen once again. Laughing a little Jennie made sure to close the gap between them soon feelings Lisa's heart beat against her own chest and it was going... Wildly fast. "Why are you doing this to me?" Lisa asked and her voice was barely something above a whisper now, her eyes locked with Jennie's dangerous ones. Jennie's hand found its way to the back of Lisa's neck like it always did. "I didn't do anything Lisa, you're upset and came to my room remember?" Jennie said after pulling Lisa down a little bit so her mouth would be right beside the woman's ear.

"Besides... I want you way too much to be deprived of you for four days," Jennie confessed her mouth opening up to capture Lisa's earlobe in it, sucking on it lightly so she could hear the lowest moan escape Lisa's mouth. "It's such a turn on to think of fucking you with your fiancé on the room next to us, you know" Jennie whispered and now the hand that was holding the back of Lisa's neck moved so it would wrap around her neck entirely. Turning them around Jennie simply pushed the woman in front of her so hard that she ended up falling on the bed that Jennie was previously sitting on. "Actually, weren't you going to say something first?" Jennie teased her and straddled her lap the towel on her body ready to be thrown across the room at any moment now. Lisa stared at her in disbelief and aw, she couldn't really wrap her mind around what was happening after a couple minutes of being Jennie's room.

"Did you do this to everyone else that had their way with you?" Lisa suddenly asked and she kind of whished she hadn't opened her damn mouth. It sounded wrong, it sounded very very wrong but her mind was not in the position to realize that before she spoke up. Jennie paused buy kept looking at her, her heart stopping in her chest when that sentence rolled off Lisa's tongue and reached her ears. "Right, I forgot that I was a slut," Jennie laughed and climbed off of Lisa's body and eventually off of the bed, walking towards the bathroom and closing the door behind her. Lisa was quick on her feet, running right behind Jennie but not quick enough to grab the door before it slammed on her face. "That's not what I meant, open up please," Lisa begged and kept knocking on the door, her palm actually turning red from how hard she was hitting the door.

"Get out Lisa, I really don't want to see you right now" Jennie said from the other side of the door, the woman having her back resting on the wooden surface while Lisa kept banging on it. "It didn't come out correctly, I didn't mean it that way Jen," Lisa tried to explain, her head making a hundred thoughts in one minute as she slowly started to give up on knocking and asking for Jennie to walk out again. "Can you please come out for a moment?" The woman spoke up again and this time she let her forehead touch the door as well, her eyes closing as she took in the stupid mistake that she made. She really didn't have a reason to talk like that especially while knowing that Jennie had called her a slut before and she had talked about how she thought that Lisa only wanted that from her anyway. "Jen?" Lisa called out her name one more time and she took a deep breath hoping that the woman was thinking about it from the other side of the door.

"No, please get out, I won't bother you anymore"

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