Eluding the Illusion

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"Don't part with your illusions.

When they are gone, you may still exist,

but you have ceased to live. "

-Mark Twain

We live in a fantasy world...a world of illusions. The great task in life is to find reality. That was proving quite difficult for a doctor who thought she'd just climbed out of hell. In the past few moments she finally came to a conclusion. Katherine Robins was dead.

It was the logical conclusion to her current predicament. Her eyes opened and there sat her father. Katie distinctly remembers the last conversation with his doctor, and how he told her that her father's health had significantly declined and how his brain activity had ceased. She expected to come home and hope to find an alternative to just taking her father off life support. She expected to come home and find him in a hospital bed where she would make him a promise that she wouldn't give up until he was better. What she didn't expect was to be the one in the hospital bed, him sitting above her, awake, looking completely healthy. The only way to explain this was that on her way home, she died, and so did he and now they were in some alternate dimension where the dead go. She hadn't decided if this was heaven or hell just yet. She questioned him, and he questioned her, and then she saw a ring on her hand that rested on a specific finger. When she turned back to her father she expected him to explain, but instead he told her to give him a moment before he stood to his feet and rushed out of the door.

Katie looked back down to her hand, and looked down to the ring, and this time she really looked at it. Really looked over the pristine design, and marveled at it's beauty. She let out a sharp breath before dropping her hand and looking back over to the door hoping her father would return. Soon her eyes looked around the room she was in.

"Where the hell am I?" she muttered to herself. She realized she wouldn't get that answer from the bed, and so she decided she'd have to get up. She pushed the covers aside, and slightly lifted her feet, but quickly stopped at the sudden soreness at the move. "What the hell? How long have I been in this bed?" she once again tried again, this time expecting the sensations as she turned to place her feet on the floor. Once she was fully sitting, she paused for a second, taking in a deep breath before she dropped her feet to the cold linoleum floor and lifted herself to stand. Muscles cracked as she moved to a position she figures she hadn't taken in a while. Her eyes lifted to the door, the distance not that far, but to her it looked as if it were miles away. With one more deep breath, she began taking lazy steps toward the door. Her eyes looked down to her feet in frustration at the slow pace. She shook her head because she has no idea how she got to this point. She has no idea why her body seems like it hasn't moved in a long time. She was actually out of breath when she finally reached the door, but she ignored it as she reached forward and grabbed the door knob. A frown fell to her features when she realized the door was locked.

"The hell, " she muttered as she relentlessly tried to pry open the door. Soon she gave up all together and decided the beat a fist against it instead. "Hey! Is someone there!"

Jacob Robins' eyes were locked on the screen that show in front of him. He shook his head at the sight.

"Someone please open the door!" his daughter continued pounding against the door, and he knew at some point he was have to return to her, answer questions he's sure she has.

"Sir," Martin had been standing just a few feet behind his boss watching the screen as well.

"She doesn't remember anything from the past three and a half years." Jacob said as he continues to look to the screen. "The last thing she remembers is returning to Starling after all that shit with ARGUS and Ra's and those months where you lost her." Jacob turned to Martin who stood glancing from his boss to the surveillance footage. "How did this happen?"

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