The Fear inside

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"The best way to make peace with your past is not using it to make war with your present."
― Charles F Glassman

The hospital didn't tell him much over the phone. Just that Katie had lost consciousness and was brought in. He rushed into the doors of the hospital, and his eyes scanned the halls, needing to just see her face. When he could see her face, then he wouldn't currently dancing on the edge of insanity right now.

"Oliver!" Christian came down the hall, and Oliver went to meet him halfway.

"Where is she?" Oliver asked and Christian nudged his head for him to follow. "What happened?"

"Mr. Chase said that she was walking out of the police station when she just collapsed." Christian said. "She's been going in and out since she got here, but I'm running tests." they stopped outside of a door and Oliver let out a sigh before turning back to Christian. "Oliver, right now initial labs say she's fine. We're going to figure this out." he patted Oliver on the shoulder. Oliver turned back to the door, taking one more deep breath before walking into the room, only to find Katie asleep, but she wasn't alone. There in a chair beside her bed was Adrian Chase. Chase turned when the door opened and immediately stood to his feet.

"Mr. Mayor-" Adrian walked over to Oliver. "I meant to call you, I just-" Adrian shook his head and glanced back over to Katie. "Everything was moving fast, and there never seemed like a right time. I'm glad Christian was able to get a hold of you." Oliver looked at the man for a moment before walking around him to Katie's side, taking her hand. "Uh, she's been in and out for a while."

"A while," Oliver muttered before looking over to the man. "How long have you been here?"

Adrian chuckled slightly, "Since she was brought in. She passed out at the station, and I rode along with the paramedics, answering any questions they may have had about what happened, then we got here and she still wasn't very lucid, so I stuck around. In case she woke up, I thought she might not freak out as much if she saw a familiar face."

"And you thought that face should be yours?" Oliver asked. There was a tone to his voice that he was very much aware of at the moment. A lot was happening today, and he wasn't in the best mood. Then he gets a call from the hospital telling him that his wife was brought in, and now this district attorney thought his face was the face his wife would be happy to see when she woke up.

"I didn't mean it like-" there was a knock on the door and they both turned as Christian came into the room. Christian looked from Oliver to Adrian, clearing his throat before focusing his attention on Katie as he walked to the other side of her bed.

"Any news?" Oliver asked and Christian looked over to him about to answer, but stopped and once again glanced over to Adrian who seemed to watch him as well. Oliver followed his eyes and sighed. "Mr. Chase, thank you for staying with my wife, but-"

"I should go," Adrian said already backing up toward the door. He glanced over to Katie, looking at her for a moment, and Oliver noticed his eyes linger on the woman before turning back to him. "I-" his phone rang and he pulled it from his pocket, glancing down to the screen. "I really have to go." he looked back over to Oliver. "Sir," he gave a nod before turning and rushing out of the door, letting it shut behind him. Oliver looked over to the door, before turning back to Christian who shook his head before turning to Oliver.

"Was he in here when you came in?" Christian asked and Oliver's brow furrowed. "I told him that only family was allowed in the room, he showed me a badge, I told him that didn't change the policy and I assumed he accepted it, but I guess I was wrong." Oliver didn't say anything for a moment before looking down at Katie. "She's fine. A bit dehydrated which is why I have her hooked up to this IV."

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