Hassan and Hussain- May Allah be pleased with both of them

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All praises to Allah the Lord of the worlds. May he send Salam upon our beloved prophet Muhammad(saw) and his family.. Aameen

At the battle of uhud Fatima(Ra) was pregnant with his first child Hassan(Ra) and she was at the battle serving the injured.

Hassan(Ra) was born in the month of Ramadhan, at 3rd year of migration(hijrat).

When Hassan(Ra) was born Ali(Ra) name him "Harb(war)" so prophet(saw) said, No! no! He's name is not going to be war, he's name going to be Hassan(Ra) means Goodness.

Hassan(Ra) was special in many ways. No one looked more like prophet(saw) than Hassan(Ra) . There is a narration where, Abu Bakr(Ra) picked up Hassan(Ra) and throw him in air and he said,"You look more like your Grandfather than your Father"

Hassan(Ra) would jump on the back of prophet(saw) during sujood and prophet(saw) would prolonged his Sajdah when Hassan(Ra) was on his back.

When prophet(saw) used to see him he will put him on his lap and he(saw) use to make dua for him often.

Al-Hussain(Ra) was born the very next year and Ali(Ra) again named him "Harb" so prophet(saw) said, No! No! He's name will be Hussain(Ra) means Little source of Goodness. Prophet(saw) will took naming seriously.

These family of Fatima(Ra) becomes extremely precious to the prophet(saw). When he(saw) used to give Khutbah and prophet(saw) would see Hassan(Ra) and Hussain(Ra) he would paused the Khutbah, gets down from the poll grab both of the them, give khutbah siting down with Hassan(Ra) and Hussain(Ra) on his lap!. Subhan Allah!!!

This was so heart touching to me:(
We asked Allah to gather us with them and allow us to be like them. I ask Allah to unite us with our families and to unite us with these blessed family in highest level of jannatul Firdous.. Aameen

Jazakallahukhairan kaseera fee dunya wa Akhirah

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