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All praises to Allah the Lord of the worlds. May he send Salam upon our beloved prophet Muhammad(saw) and his family.. Aameen

Ayesha(Ra) narrated that, One day prophet(saw) went out wearing a Cloak(a strip cloak, which was a wide jubah). So Hassan(Ra) ran up to him(saw) and prophet(saw) sat down and wrap Hassan(Ra) under his cloak. Than Hussain(Ra) ran up to him(saw) and prophet(saw) also wrap Hussain  under his cloak. He(saw) put both of them in his wide jubbah and was playing with them.

Then Fatima(Ra) came and prophet(saw) extended his right hand and put her under his cloak as well, Ali(Ra) came and prophet(saw) extended his left hand and put him under his cloak as well. He(saw) put all four under his cloak just to show the love.

Prophet(saw) made dua for them holding all four of them tight  saying,"And Allah only desires to remove any type of impurity oh! People of the household and Purify you through that which can be purify(sahih Muslim)"

Prophet(saw) used to come to the house of Fatima(Ra) and call out to Fatima(Ra) saying, "Call my two sons for me oh Fatima, I want to see my two son's" . Fatima(Ra) would dress them cutely and they run to the prophet(saw), he would squeeze them and would smell their hairs to show the Love that he(saw) has for them!.

Ali and Fatima(Ra) than have daughters at the very next year of Hussain(Ra), named Zainab(Ra) and than Um'me Kulthum(Ra) and they had another son, who died at the birth. Prophet(saw) named him Al-Muhassin(smaller version of Hassan and Hussain(Ra).

Ibn Abbas(Ra) narrated prophet(saw) said," Love Allah for the Blessings that he provide for you. And Love Me for the Love of Allah and than prophet(saw) said, and Love the people of my household, for your Love for Me."

Prophet(saw) was once carrying Hassan(Ra) and he said,"Oh Allah! Know that I love him, so Love him as well and Love those who Love him as well." In Another authentic hadees it was said," whoever Loves these two(Hassan ans Hussain(Ra) Love Me; whoever hates these two hates Me."

We asked Allah to gather us with them and allow us to be like them. I ask Allah to unite us with our families and to unite us with these blessed family in highest level of jannatul Firdous.. Aameen

Jazakallahukhairan kaseera fee dunya wa Akhirah

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