Whom do you love the most?

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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem!.

All praises to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. May Allah send Salam upon prophet Muhammad(saw) and his family.. Aameen

Starting of through there was these frequent pursuit of prophet(saw) Love, and everyone wanted to know whom does the prophet(saw) love the most.

There is this common trend that you find in the hadiths were people come and ask the prophet(saw) whom does he love the most?

Now~ Ali and Fatima- May Allah be pleased with them ask prophet(saw) whom does he love most? The prophet(saw) has the most eloquent answer. First of All prophet(saw) can't lie, and we All know his(saw) Heart is attach to Fatima. He(saw) Love Fatima and she is very special to him,

but at the same time he doesn't want to answer that question in a way that would hurt Ali(Ra), who he has raised like his own son, he is his(saw) cousin, he is his brother in Madina, he is so much to him.

So, prophet(saw) looked at Ali(Ra) and said," She(Fatima) is more beloved to Me than you, but you(Ali) are more precious to me than her." So beautiful answer. He(saw) gave the answer in the way that both of them take pride in. SubhanAllah!!

We asked Allah to gather us with them and allow us to be like them. I ask Allah to unite us with our family and to unite us with these blessed family in highest level of Jannatul Firdous.. Aameen

Jazakallahukhairan kaseera fee dunya wa Aakhirah.. Aameen

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