
"You seems uncomfortable with me Tzuyu??.." Jungkook asked and this time Tzuyu looks at him..

"What do you mean???.." Tzuyu asked.

"You're giving me cold expression, Uhmm, Sorry if I feel you uncomfortable..." Jungkook sadly said ...

Meanwhile Tzuyu suddenly feel guilty when she saw Jungkook's expression...

"I just don't know how to interact with guys... Sorry if I made you feel that..."

"No, It's okay. I understand Don't worry 😊 ..."


Their recording starts at 9:00 AM, and after 3 hours they finally done recording the song..

"Tzuyu~ahhh..." Jungkook call Tzuyu...

"Yes?.." Tzuyu looks at her.

"Are you going to have your lunch???.."

"Uhmm, Yeah.."

"We are going to have our lunch too. You can join us if you want 😊..."

"Uh...." Tzuyu wanted to say No, but she don't want to be rude since there's still a lot of people inside the recording room especially Jungkook's Manager was there..

"Okay..." Tzuyu said..


Tzuyu and Jungkook along with their managers went down to have their lunch..

"What do you want??? It's my treat..."

"Uhmmm, just ordered anything..." Tzuyu smile at him..

"Okay 😊..."


While they're eating their managers are on the other table while Tzuyu and Jungkook was eating together in one table..

Meanwhile without Tzuyu knowing Sana keeps calling and texting her since earlier, since she promise to the latter that she will give her a message.

"Did you already reviewed the scene for our Music Video???.." Jungkook asked.


"What do you think about that??? Is it okay for you???.."

"Yeah, as long as there's no kissing scene."

"Don't worry there's no kissing scene 😊.."

Tzuyu just nod and continue eating...

"We can be friends right????.." Jungkook asked..

Tzuyu looks at him...

"Uhmmm, it's alright if you don't want it.." Jungkook force to smile...

"Arasso we can be friends..."

"Really?? 😊.."

"Yeah ...."

"Komawo Tzuyu~ah.." Jungkook extend his hand.. and Tzuyu gladly accept it..

"Your welcome 😊..."

"Ohhh, finally... I saw your smile..."


"You don't smiling at all since earlier 😅.."

"Ahh 🙂..."

"You're beautiful (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。..."



2:30 PM

Tzuyu was now in the parking lot.. when she enter her car she suddenly remember Sana, so she quickly reached out her phone and she was surprised to see 20 text message and 30 miscalls from from the latter...

"Sh*t..." Tzuyu curse herself on why on Earth she forgot to give Sana a message earlier...

She's trying to call Sana but the latter isn't responding..

"Your such a Pabo Chou Tzuyu..." Tzuyu mumbled as she already starts the engine.


Before she go home Tzuyu buy bouquet of flowers and some melon pan for Sana... And after an hour of driving she finally arrived in their house...

When she enter the house she saw no one in the living room so she quickly went upstairs and when she enter their room, she found her wife sleeping in the bed with Gucci...

Tzuyu walks closer to her as she put down the flowers and melon pan in the side table .. she laid down beside her wife and face her...

"Did I made you wait for too long??.." Tzuyu asked as she gently touch Sana's face ... And it cause this to the latter to wake up...

Sana slowly opened her eyes and she saw Tzuyu...

"You're here..." Sana suddenly smile, she's really annoyed earlier since Tzuyu didn't message her but it suddenly fades away the moment she saw the latter...

"Did you wait for too long????.."

Sana didn't answer instead she hugs the latter..

"Yeah, and I was really annoyed to you since earlier... Didn't you received my calls and messages???.."

"I received it earlier but it's too late already... Sorry..." Tzuyu whispered...

"It's okay.. atleast you're here now..."

"Did you have your lunch???.."

"Yes, don't worry ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ... "

"That's good to hear..."

"How's your recording???.."

"Uhmm, it went well."

"Mmmmm... Did you forgot to buy my melon pan???.." Sana pout...

Tzuyu smile as she stood up and get the flowers and melon pan she bought for the latter...

"Here's your melon pan... And this is for you...." Tzuyu said...

"Whoahhh (。♡‿♡。)..."

"Did you like it ( ◜‿◝ )♡...."

"Komawo Tzuyu~ah (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤..."

"You're welcome..." Tzuyu lean closer as she kissed the latter's forehead..."I love you...."

"I love you ( ˘ ³˘)♥..."


FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE- SATZU [BOOK 3] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt