Chapter 55 "Worrisome"

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Peter:I know that, just because I'm friends with Jessica doesn't mean that I can't still be friends with Liz, so I'll see you guys at home for the dance

Luke:Bye Pete
*Peter waved and smiled at them before he walked away, they watched in silence as Peter had already walked out of the doors*

Sam:You said that Liz has a soft spot for Petey right?

MJ:Uh's quite obvious

Luke:It doesn't bother you?

MJ:...why should it? They're both let's get going to find Jessica...
*she softly smiles at them and she walks towards the door, the boys looks at each other and they slowly follow close behind.They walked out of the school doors and sees Peter and Liz talking with smiles on their faces at the school gate, they walked past students who were eagerly walking home and getting in their vehicles*

Sam:You don't think Jessie left without us right?

Luke:Why would she even leave us?

Sam:I don't know, it sounds like something she would do

Danny:Maybe she's still smoking? She could be in the back of the school like this morning

MJ:I'll go guys can leave without us if you want

Luke:You sure MJ? There might be other people behind the school

MJ:I'll be fine, I can defend myself

Sam:Okay, it's the last day before winter break anyway, who would want to stay behind the school instead of going home and eat? She'll be fine

MJ:Thanks...I'll see you later for the dance!

Luke:Bye MJ...
*MJ had walked past the right corner of their school after walking down the staircase where the boys stood, Sam had stretched his arms up into the air and had walked down the staircase*

Sam:So it's just us three right guys?

Danny:Oh Ava...
*Sam had quickly turned around and sees Ava in between Luke and Danny as she had her phone in hand*

Luke:What's wrong Tiger?

Ava:I have to go home to my mom, she's helping me dress up for the dance

Sam:Really? Lucky! I wish my mom was around to help me get dressed

Luke:Heh right...uh how are you planning on going to your mom's house?

Ava:My brother is picking me up

Sam:You have a brother? You haven't told us that!

Ava:Yes well I actually have a older brother and sister...

Danny:And your sister has kids? Who are your nieces and nephew?

Ava:Yes...she and the kids visit a lot at home since they live nearby while my brother in law is stuck at work

Luke:We haven't seen your sister and brother when we visited

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