Epilogue (Sakura)

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The two of them talked about everything that happened between Y/N and Sakura, which lead to them remembering everything about how their relationship began.

"I have to be honest with you, Y/N. I certainly didn't expect that you and Sakura-noona would end up together in the end." Felix said.

"I wouldn't blame you if you did, Felix. She made my life that much better, and from that point on, we succeeded in doing things that we can't do on our own. She truly inspired me, Felix. It's thanks to her that I became who I am today." Y/N replied.

"I agree, but I wouldn't want to know what would have happened if she did not survive. That story you told me has got to be one of the most painful things you've ever experienced, especially for her."

"It truly was a miracle that she did. At that time, I was always hoping and praying that something like that would happen, and that I never stopped believing in her. In the end, she pulled through, and I could consider it the best gift that she and I would ever receive."

"That's true Y/N. I could ask for nothing else if I was in your position, and now, both of you are having the best times of your life. If you ask me, this is only the beginning." Felix told him, making Y/N tear up a bit.

"Yah! Don't get so emotional about what I said! If Sakura-noona sees you like this, she'd blame me again like usual, and I would never hear the end of it!"

"*sniffles* Okay, I'll stop. But still, I'm really happy right now for the both of us."

"I'm sure you do, although when she graduated, you felt a bit lonely didn't you?"

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't, but it's for the best. She spent her year being mentored by one of the country's outstanding musicians, which is something only a few can have a chance to do so."

"Exactly, being mentored by the famous Bae Joohyun would certainly be a once in a lifetime opportunity after all. That aside, her skills with the violin are matched only by her beauty, don't you think so, Y/N?"

"I agree with you on that. I only saw her in person for a few times, but that would enough for me to say that she's beautiful."

"I envy you. If I can have the chance to see her like you did, I would be very happy for myself."

"Then I'll be sure to tell Hitomi about what you said just now." Y/N told him, which made him retract his words.

"Okay, I won't tell her! Let's talk about something else instead. You remember Sakura's friends, right?"

"That would be Lee Chaeyeon and Yabuki Nako, right? I heard that they are both travelling together these days as part of a quartet."

"That's right. Nowadays they're so busy with their schedules touring the country with their co-performers. Chaeyeon is quite the singer right now, being famous all over Asia for her talent. Nako, meanwhile, is something else entirely."

"She certainly is Y/N. She revived the popularity of the viola as an instrument, which some people have regarded as just an inferior form of the violin. Her talents truly shined ever since you performed with her at that recital years ago."

"I'm so happy for her these days. She's living her dream like the rest of us, and I hope it goes on as we continue this journey."

"And it will, Y/N. But wait, once you're done with the festival, you and Sakura-noona would be travelling to Japan, right?"

"Yes we will. It's both a holiday and work for the both of us, since we're invited to perform alongside other Japanese musicians once we're there. It would truly be a great experience, with the best part is that Sakura would be able to visit her parents again."

"I'm glad for you two. I do hope you're going to enjoy your holidays there."

"Thanks, it means a lot coming from you. Though I still wish I could do these things with your sister, Felix. I'm truly sorry."

When he heard this, Felix suddenly tapped his shoulder.

"Come on Y/N, we already talked about this. Chaewon-noona is doing well for herself. In fact, you might have already heard that she's one of the best opera singers in the country, which makes me proud of her. If there's anyone who supports your relationship with Sakura more than I do, it's her, and there's no reason for you to question it. She always wants the best for you, and that won't ever change."

"Thank you Felix, that means a lot coming from both of you."

"It's nothing really. I guess it's time for me to go Y/N, since she's already here for you." Felix said as he saw Sakura walking towards them while smiling.

Felix bowed upon meeting her as a sign of his respect, which Sakura received warmly. Then she gave an embrace to Y/N, with both of them looking happily at each other.

"It's too bad I won't get to see your performance today, both of you. Nevertheless, good luck, and I'm sure you're going to impress everyone here today, like always."

"Thanks a lot Felix. I promise we'll catch up later after we're done."

"There's no need Y/N. We'll have all the time to spend with everyone during your wedding ceremony, so until then, see you both!" He said, while pointing at the engagement ring that Sakura is wearing.

Y/N tried to answer back, but was too embarrassed to say anything while he blushed, as Sakura simply laughed at his actions.

"Let's just go Y/N. We're here to deliver the finest performance for everyone, am I right?"

"I'm with you on that one Kkura. We owe it to this academy, as it's the place where I had a chance to meet someone very special in my life, and that someone is standing right here before me."

"Words can't express how happy I am to be with you, Y/N. But today, I'm really glad that you came into my life, for I had always dreamed of someone who would care for me like you do. Let this performance of ours show you how I truly feel, as I express myself on how important you really are to me."

School Life Melodies (Male Reader x Chaewon/Yena/Minju/Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now