Sakura Part V: Risoluto

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Risoluto - a musical expression that implies decisiveness

Seoul Arts Center, night of the performance

Tonight is of a great significance for both Y/N and Sakura. For Y/N, it is the time for both him and Nako to perform together for the first time in a public recital. With just a few days of preparation, the two made certain that their performance would be something memorable not just for them, but also to everyone who came to watch them tonight. With Chaeyeon's support, they made use of the limited time they had to perfect their piece, with her acting as their advisor using Sakura's style of teaching. All their hard work and resolve will be tested tonight, and they hope that it would be more than enough to deliver a good showing once they're through.

Meanwhile, Sakura's surgery would also be undergone tonight as she mentally prepared herself for the procedure. With both of her parents as well as Eunbi present, they believe that she would be able to survive and recover this trial set before her. If anything, both she and Y/N made a solemn vow that they would both overcome their hurdles tonight, and tomorrow would mark the day when they will both be together this time, ready to be on the stage once more.

Y/N, Nako and Chaeyeon were all waiting in the lounge a few minutes before their performance. The three were talking about the upcoming duet as Chaeyeon gave her last minute advice to both of them.

"This is it, both of you. I just wanted you to know that I'm proud of the effort that you both showed me during our rehearsals, especially you, Nako. I have nothing else left to say, other than to simply enjoy performing for everyone. And Y/N, just relax and focus your attention to the performance, don't allow your concerns about Kkura-unnie to get in the way. Remember, she promised that she would survive, and all we can do is to believe in her. If there's anyone I know who's resilient enough to overcome something like that, it's her, and I want you both to trust each other."

"Thank you, Chaeyeon. If not for you, Nako and I wouldn't be able to perfect such a highly advanced musical piece. I promise that all your efforts in helping us won't go to waste. Just watch, this performance of ours would be something to remember, right Nako?"

"Yes Y/N-oppa. I still can't believe that I'll be performing on a stage tonight, and I'm going to perform with you too! Don't worry, I may not be as skilled as Kkura-unnie, but expect nothing else from me but my best. I will try to live up to your expectations, so as not to disappoint you and Chaeyeon-unnie."

"I know Nako. Don't underestimate your own abilities. It was because of your hard work that you were able to improve greatly with the time we had. That alone is proof for me that you're determined to be recognized out there, and I believe that after this, many of those people, including the critics, would see your talents shine." Y/N told her, with Nako and Chaeyeon smiling at his words.

The staff called them as they would be the next ones to perform, with Chaeyeon heading towards her seat, ready to record their performance from the audience.

"And now, our next pair, performing Paganini's Caprice no.24, Kwon Y/N and Yabuki Nako."

With the announcer having called their names, Y/N and Nako took their positions on the stage. With her signalling Y/N to begin, the two began their performance.

Nako began playing her viola as she leads the opening parts, with the audience being caught by surprise due to them not expecting such talent.

School Life Melodies (Male Reader x Chaewon/Yena/Minju/Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now