Epilogue (Chaewon)

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The two of them talked about everything that happened between Y/N and Chaewon, which lead to them remembering everything about how their relationship began.

"Looking back, I always knew that you and noona would eventually end up together. I mean, you two as well as I have known each other for many years, so it's safe for me to say that its destiny." Felix said.

"I think you're right. She made my life that much better, and from that point on, we succeeded in doing things that we can't do on our own. Your sister truly inspired me, Felix. It's thanks to her that I became who I am today." Y/N replied.

"Don't forget that you made her feel the same, Y/N. Chaewon became the happiest person when you gave her that chance, and that is something she will always remember every single day."

"I'm glad to hear that. Well, this was supposed to be a reunion of some sorts for us, it's too bad Han's not here."

"Yeah, I miss him too, despite all the hilarious things he did back then. I heard he was performing in Europe these days with Eunbi-noona, right?"

"Yes they are. Eunbi-noona's been busy lately with all her overseas recitals with Han, we haven't seen each other in months."

"They're the new power couple, huh? I never imagined he would become your future brother-in-law though."

Y/N nearly threw up his drink once Felix said it, making them both laugh.

"Aish, let's not talk about it for now! *chuckles* But you're right, I need to be ready for that moment. But let's talk about you instead. How are you and Hitomi these days? Don't lie to me Felix, because I know she's here with you." Y/N told him.

"Yes you're right, although she's the head of one of our departments here, which happens to be the same branch where I belong to. To put it simply, she's my boss."

Y/N smiled at the thought of him being her subordinate.

"Yah, what are you smirking at? Let me tell you, she's a very kind boss, not the typical arrogant ones who love to look down on you whenever you did something wrong." He told him.

"I believe you. She's always been a considerate and responsible girl ever since. I bet that's why you fell for her, right?"

"That's just one of my reasons Y/N. She's always the adorable girl who tries her best at everything she does, and she always takes care of me of course. Let this be our little secret Y/N. In just a few months, I'm going to propose to her, and I want you and Chaewon-noona to be the first witnesses."

"You have my support Felix, and I'm sure Chaewon does too. Just remember to call us before you do so, we're a bit busy these days ourselves too." Y/N said with a grin.

"Yes I know, the ace pianist and opera singer going on a local tour in just two weeks from now. I'm sure you two are having the time of your lives at the moment." Felix said while teasing him, making Y/N smile a bit.

Soon after, Hitomi found the two of them chatting at the cafeteria, and joined their conversation.

"Y/N-oppa, welcome back! I'm glad to see you and Chaewon-unnie are doing okay these days!" She said.

"Thanks Hitomi. You and Felix are doing well for yourselves I see." He told her.

"That's right! Although we're a bit busy at the moment. Speaking of which, you should be organizing our schedules for tomorrow Felix, why are you just sitting round talking with oppa? They need you to help prepare for his performance with unnie today." She said seriously, making Felix a bit scared of her.

"A kind and caring girl indeed, Felix. She knows how to deal with your attitude too, so good for you Hitomi." He told both of them.

"Yes oppa. But that's all the more reason I have to be by his side. Without me, I can't imagine what will happen to him." Hitomi said, as she and Y/N laughed at Felix's expense.

"Aish, stop that! If only Wonyoung was here, I would have someone who would pick my side right now."

"Wonyoung huh? She's quite a celebrity these days. I never thought that our tall friend would now be known as a famous musical singer. Chaewon and I had attended one of her performances, and she's every bit as good as the critics say. We're all impressed."

"I wish we had a chance to see her perform live too. Speaking of which, she's going back to Korea for another theater performance right? That could be our chance." Felix told them.

"That's right oppa! We should have a reunion afterwards. I'm really excited just thinking about it." Hitomi said.

"I'm sure it is. Well it's nice to see both of you, but-"

Y/N was cut off when he saw Chaewon approaching them, as Felix and Hitomi looked at how beautiful she is.

"It's nice to see you after almost a year, noona! I'm glad to see you're looking well." Felix said as he hugs his sister.

"Thank you Felix. It's good to see you too, Hitomi. Now tell me, is my brother still behaving the same as usual?" Chaewon asked her.

"He's still the same, unnie. But don't worry, I promised that I'll take care of him in your stead, and he's well enough for us now that we're living together." She answered, then she gives Chaewon a hug as the two haven't seen each other for a while.

"I'm glad to hear it. Now, you two are going to watch our performance today, right?"

"I wish we could noona, but like Hitomi said earlier, we both still have a lot to do along with our students, but knowing you two, I'm sure you're going to deliver the best duet like before." Felix said.

"Felix-oppa is right, unnie. You and Y/N-oppa are two of the best performers I've ever known, and I'm sure you're going to be the highlight of our academy's music festival this year." Hitomi said.

"Thank you, both of you. So Y/N, are you ready to go?" Chaewon asked him with a bright smile.

"For you Chae, always." He said as he held her hand.

Once they did, Hitomi noticed a special ring on Chaewon's finger, as she tries to tease them before they go.

"Is that ring what I think it is, unnie? Congrats!" Hitomi said, making Y/N and Chaewon blush.

"WHAT? How come you never told me that you already proposed to her, Y/N! You too, noona! I never thought you'd make such a decision without telling us about it!" Felix said as he begins to fake cry, making Hitomi punch his arm a bit.

"We were supposed to tell you after the performance Felix, but I suppose nothing gets past you, Hitomi." Y/N said.

"That's right oppa, and I'm truly happy for both of you. Just don't forget to tell us when you 're going to get married, or I'll be mad too!" Hitomi replied.

"I know, Hii-chan. I'll be sure that you'll be the first to get an invitation." Chaewon said as she chuckled.

Afterwards, the two bid goodbye to Y/N and Chaewon, as they head out towards the auditorium to prepare for their performance.

"Now that we're here, this brings back a lot of memories, doesn't it Chae?" Y/N asked her.

"It does Y/N. But still, I will never forget that this is the place where we found each other again, and I'll be forever thankful for that. In return, I want our performance today to be the best gift we could give for the school, am I right?" Chaewon said.

"I'm with you on that Chae. I'll give nothing but my best for our duet today, knowing that I'll be performing with the most special woman in my life beside me."

School Life Melodies (Male Reader x Chaewon/Yena/Minju/Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now