(21) And You May Find Yourself Threatening A Nogitsune

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(Probably my favorite music video... Also the inspiration for this chapter title. If this video makes you laugh, good. You might want to look up Kermit and this song on Youtube--I promise you won't be disappointed.)

Monday, November 7th, 2011

(This takes place in Season 3B)

Wind gathered at every corner of the city, brushing at the trees, whispering among the tall buildings of glass and metal as the sun slowly crept over the horizon, glittering across the bustling landscape as the steady sound of cars drowned out the birds chirping and playing in the morning breeze. The city didn't pay any attention to the nature running through it, far too preoccupied by its own endeavors to appreciate the nature surrounding it, begging to be admired.

Ramahilla cherished the beautiful day-break with a calm smile and a warm mug of coffee, forever glad she kept a garden on her terrace, humming as she watched two mourning doves dance among the branches of her potted wisteria tree. Moments such as that made her days far brighter, especially after horrendous protector meetings that sucked every ounce of her energy away.

Her peaceful moment promptly ended as she heard a bellowing snore from her living room. With a snort and a quirked lip, she threw an amused glance at the woman passed out on her couch, snoring louder than ever after shifting onto her back in deep slumber—sleeping on anything but her side always resulted in thundering snores that could frighten away a bear.

Ramahilla strolled over and shook her friend's shoulder, "Nada, get up."

Nada groaned and rolled over so her back was to the protector interrupting her precious sleep.

"You need to get back to your place before those bodyguards of yours check on you," Ramahilla sighed. "Now get up!"

"I swear to God, Rama," Nada groaned again, her accent heavier with sleep. "It's too early for you to pester me."

"But it's not too early for a statewide manhunt if the government thinks you've been kidnapped, and I really don't need anyone breaking down my door just to find out you had a sleepover," Ramahilla yanked away a blanket and sauntered back into the kitchen. "Come on, I'll make you a cup of coffee before you go."

"Your coffee sucks," Nada rubbed at her eyes after swinging her legs off the leather sofa.

"Good thing I used the grounds you got me for my birthday then," the blonde mused with a sly glance at her best friend.

"Ah, bless you," Nada smiled as she stretched out her limbs before walking over and taking a deep inhale. "Nothing is better than Kenyan coffee."

They drank their coffee in silence at the small table on her terrace, neither too bothered by the chill November air. Ramahilla couldn't help but feel a little jealous of how regal Nadaviel looked, the purple of the wisteria behind her, complementing her dark umber complexion as soft sunbeams highlighted her cheekbones, giving her an ethereal quality. Sure, Ramahilla knew people considered her beautiful with uncommonly white hair and pale blue eyes—gorgeous even— but Nadaviel couldn't be described as anything less than otherworldly.

"How has everything been, by the way?" Ramahilla broke the silence as she watched the city with perceptive eyes. "You told me how hard it's been negotiating trade with the US, but you told me nothing of Loukika."

"None of the other earths have as tumultuous relations involving Loukika than this one," she frowned with a sigh. "I am never bored."

Ramahilla snorted into her mug, "It's hard being bored when sacred Druid tree stumps are involved."

"Ugh," Nada scowled as she set her mug down a little harder than necessary. "You know, that's what really upsets me about earth 618: sure, other earths have maybe one or two Nemetons—if any at allbut no, earth 618 just has to have fucking seven."

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