(15) Winner, Winner, You Get Steak Dinner

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You know that annoying little cousin that could easily be mistaken for your shadow? You know, the one that's just a little too old for their actions to be cute anymore?

That one cousin that always feels the need to copy you and have the same opinions on matters as you. They will even change their answers to questions so that they say the same as you.

You want to take friends ice skating for your birthday? Great, so do they!

You want to get vanilla ice cream with cookie dough bites? Great, they'll have the same!

Every. Single. Time.

And it's not like you don't love them. No, heaven forbid. They're just a little much.

Ok, now here's a twist;

Imagine that they die.

Even worst, they die because they were shadowing you again. So now it's your fault that they are dead. And maybe it wasn't really your fault, but it sure feels like it was.

Cool, just dwell on that for a second.

Because you were definitely annoyed by your little shadow, but suddenly, your shadow is gone.

And he's not coming back.

He'll never be there to laugh too hard at a stupid joke. Then repeat said joke to ten different people.

You'll never hear him use phrases way too frequently, or in completely unnecessary context.

Because he's gone.

And he's never coming ba–

"Holy shuck, Thomas!"

"Dude, calm-" Stiles started but he couldn't get a word in.

"I mean, klunk, you shank!"

Stiles was ecstatic, but obviously not as excited as someone.

"I can't believe this is shucking happening-!"

"Dude, jus–"

"I didn't think I would ever see you again!"

"Dude, slim it!"


Stiles let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. Then a laugh in disbelieve.

"Man, I've missed you, Chuck."

"I've missed you too, man."

Stiles took a moment to really look at Chuck again. Gosh, he looked so grown up; he would have been unrecognizable if not for the annoying use of glade-slang and the curly mop on top of his head. Stiles realized that Chuck wasn't a kid anymore.

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