I Have An Important Job For You

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Hey guys!

So, part of the reason I don't update this story all the time is because I also have eight other stories that I've started drafting. Of those 8, 6 of them have first chapters/ prologues/beginnings that are finished. I've decided to post one but idk which so I'll let you decide. Once one of them has 10 votes, I'll publish that one.

To clarify, these are all my own original ideas and if I find them copied, I will alert Wattpad.

1. The Time We Have - Neal Caffrey (White Collar)

this is the story of what led him to his life of white collar crime (more specifically, who)

2. Blind Faith - Auggie Anderson (Covert Affairs)

a girl with odd powers comes and takes away Auggie's blindness

3. Out of Place - Steve Rogers

takes place after Age of Ultron. a girl who died in 1945 is found alive and this is how the team, and more specifically Steve, handles it.

4. Royally Screwed - Loki Laufeyson

major AU. takes place 1 year after the first installment of the  Avengers. Asgard needs a political alliance with Earth. Cue the arranged marriage and one very pissed off bride.

5. I Found Your Dog - Chris Evans

semi-accurate personality (I'm a writer and this is a real person- give me a break). After leaving NY to go deal with a family emergency, a woman gets a call from a guy who found her dog who got out. That man is Chris Evans. Cheesy and cute, but more like a rom-com or chick-flick than a hallmark movie.

6. Albion - Merlin (Post season finale of Merlin)

After far too long, Arthur is back and Merlin is still a babysitter. He also discovers a whole community of magic, and the odd girl at the center of all the mystery. (technically, this story isn't quite ready but I could finish up the first chapter and post it pretty quick)

Just comment on here which one you guys would want me to post. Thanks!

Laine Abson


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