(16) It's A Normal Chapter... Except It's Not

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Merry (very belated)Christmas, everybody! I've been really slacking on my writing but I thought about adding this little bit and couldn't help myself. Please enjoy!

Oliver Thompson was a happy fellow. After all, it was Christmas and he had every right to be as happy as he was.

For one, he woke up with the love of his life (although he would argue lives) laying upon his chest. Yes, Mrs. Marigold Louis Thompson made him very happy.

Glancing down at her tangled mop of blonde hair resting on his chest, her gentle breaths tickling his stomach in a show rhythm, a smile made its way upon his face. When he heard her snore slightly, his smile turned into a full-fledged grin.

With a chuckle, he brushed the hair out of her eyes and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Her eyebrows drew together as she groaned a little.

"Ollie," she sighed, turning away from him. "Why are you awake? I thought we agreed we would take every second of sleep we could get."

Oliver grinned again at the sound of her tired voice, "Sorry, love. How can I possibly sleep when I have a beautiful thing like you in my arms?"

She groaned again, "By closing your eyes and shutting up."

He laughed again before propping himself up and pressing a kiss behind her ear.

"Merry Christmas, love."

She turned to face her husband finally, her brilliant green eyes meeting his warm brown ones.

"Merry Christmas to you, too," she whispered before reaching up to kiss him.

Even after being married for nearly four years, that kiss alone made his heart jump. No matter how much time had passed, he still saw the teenage dream he fell in love with all those years before during the best summer of his life.

Marigold squealed into the kiss as Oliver snaked his arm under her and pulled her up to him. He deepened the kiss when they were rudely interrupted.

"Ewww!" came a small voice from the door.

With a laugh, they pulled apart and glanced to the small five year old standing in their door way, hands over her eyes. Suddenly, the young girl ran and jumped onto the bed with them.

"Ew?" Oliver questioned as he held little Evelyn up in the air. "I'll have you know that me kissing your mommy is far from 'ew.' In fact, it's one of my favorite things to do. Right after tickling little girls named Evie!"

Marigold laughed as her daughter was reduced to giggles by a loving father. She could never pick a better way to spend her morning. After a minute, she pulled Evie away from the torture and gave her a tight hug.

Evie was obviously her mother's daughter, as seen by their matching blonde waves and their eerily similar smiles. The only thing Oliver could claim as his contribution was her warm brown eyes.

"Merry Christmas, baby," she mumbled as she kissed her cheeks.

"Merry Christmas, Mommy," Evie returned as she wrapped her small arms around Marigold's neck, giving a hearty and loving squeeze.

Yes, Oliver Thompson was a very happy fellow as her watched the two most important girls in his life on that very merry Christmas morning.

"Evie," he began. "A little birdie told me that you have been expecting to make pancakes this morning."

Pulling away from her mother with a grin, Evelyn began chanting 'yes' as she jumped up and down on the bed.

Around two hours later, Oliver and Marigold were cuddled together on the couch as they watched their daughter tear open her first present in excitement, revealing a fairy costume set. Marigold kissed her husband's cheek in gratitude for finding the darling costume about a month before.

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