26: The Annual Moretti Dinner Party (Part 2)

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^^Above is a picture of Clair as a reminder


Bailey's POV

"What kind of question is that?" Matteo, Clair's younger brother, asks.

"It's a question, Levi has to answer," Lori states, her long drawn arms cross, leaning her chest over them, giving Levi her undivided attention.

I slam my hands down on the black lace overlay, the table legs quivering underneath the lit candlesticks, and shout at Clair, "Just because you're jealous of our relationship doesn't mean you can try and sabotage it."

"Bailey, you know the rules. No talking while your guest is being questioned," Grandpa Carl says, waving his wine glass in the air for the waiter to refill.

I plop back in the black wooden chair, both of us letting out a huff as we collide. I hate that stupid rule. Just like I hate the smirks Clair and Aunt Lori share. Clair is a spitting image of her mother. Not only do they share the common black hair gene, and big brown eyes but they're both spoiled, entitled and believe they can wave their thimble fingers around, and people will drop to their knees for them.

Clair tucks her raven-colored hair behind her ear, and breathes calmly, "I'm not sabotaging it. I just want to know why he is with you and not with someone like me. Especially after we made out twice and I hear you guys haven't even kissed, yet."

"Clarice Moretti, knock it off," Uncle Sal, her dad, hisses across the table but Aunt Lori's smirk only encourages her daughter's poor attitude.

Her words stir something inside me. A burning in the pit of my stomach. Maybe it's the fact she called our relationship fake just a week ago or that she is pointing out my lack of experience. It's most definitely the embarrassment flooding my cheeks over being called out in front of the family but her words are like a knife cutting my ego and without thinking I lash out.

"We are too kissing! In fact we're having sex!" I scream across the table, practically climbing on top of it to make my point but Levi is quick to pull me back into my seat before my hands reach Clair's throat.

Not only is Grandma Delores choking again, but now half of the family joins in with her, including Levi, whose face is white as a sheet and he looks like he's about to pass out.

This may be too much for him.

While everyone loses their shit around us, Clair laughs at me in disbelief, never taking her gaze off me and this entire time my mom has stared at her plate, silently pretending to eat the leftover whipped cream that fell off her cherry pie.

"Bullshit! You wouldn't even make out with your hand if someone dared you to," Clair snorts.

With Levi's hand still gripping the back of my black dress, preventing me from tackling Clair, I am left with no other choice but to toss a piece of uneaten vegetable and chuck in her direction. The piece of asparagus spins in the air, in slow motion, and we all watch as it smacks her cheek and lands in her lap.

Matteo laughs at the food hitting his older sister, and claps his hands together, as if I just performed a magic trick and he wants an encore. Once again, I am the entertainment tonight, but what's new?

Clair looks around at everyone, appalled by my actions then her gaze lands back on me. She's furious. She shoots up from her chair, making it crash against the stone and retorts by throwing a piece of cut bread at me.

The piece of broken loaf hits me in the head with a thud, sending crumbs falling into my hair and lap.

Once again, I try to stand up, showing her my dominance, but once again Levi pulls me back down into my seat. He is really starting to piss me off.

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