25: The Annual Moretti Dinner Party (Part 1)

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^^Above is a picture of Hunter Haywood as a reminder.

I know I said I wouldn't post any warnings but my fiance urged me to post one for this chapter. As the story goes, it is going to get more and more mature (not every chapter will be mature but the parts that are mature are going to be mature mature, if you know what I mean). Lol Anyway, this is my final warning.


AnnaMae's POV

I pull up in the bumpy gravel driveway and the brown taped-up boxes stacked in the back of his truck show the reality of his situation.

The trailer homes, packed close together, sit on patches of gravel and grass, each one of them needing paint and possibly new windows. In the distance I hear echoes of faint yelling and barking dogs.

I cannot imagine having to leave my childhood home where all my cherished memories remain, to live on the outskirts of town, closer to the edge of not belonging at all.

I shake the sentimental thoughts out of my head and remind myself why I'm here. My mother is right, if I continue to stay with him, there's only going to be more drama and stress and I can't handle much more. This could finally be the open door I've been waiting for. I just need to make the idea seem like his.

I climb up the rotting makeshift stairs and lightly knock on the door, terrified at what I'm about to endure.

"Hunter?" I call out as I enter his new home.

Wallpaper fills the trailer, with one faux wood paneling wall in the livingroom, dining room combination. On the floor lies three different types of flooring and the smell of mothballs tells me this place has been vacant for quite some time.

He pokes his head out from the bedroom, surprised to see me. "What are you doing here?"

"I-uh," My voice quivers. "I wanted to talk to you. I've noticed you've been stressed lately, and I uh, thought maybe if I took a step back, it would relieve some stress. You wouldn't have to worry about me or take time out of your busy schedule anymore." I shift my weight, biting my lip, praying he buys my excuse.

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"I, uh, I don't want to. I just uh, thought you wanted to and without me you would be happier." A line I practiced over and over again in the mirror last night.

Hunter's face darkens, revealing the sinister side I always try to avoid and I take a step back, showing my submission to him but it's no use, within seconds he has me pinned against the wood paneling, probably original to the trailer when it was built, and digging into my shoulders with the palms of his hands. That's another bruise I will have to conceal.

"You think you can use me then leave me?" he hisses into my ear and I know I'll have to talk myself out of this hostage situation. Why did I think ending our relationship would work?

"No, baby, that's not it. I just thought you wanted that. I'm sorry. I misunderstood. I don't want to break up!" I squeal under his death grip.

"Liar," He slaps me across the face and the blunt force knocks me onto my knees. Another bruise I have cover up.

Stars fly across the room but I refuse to get up, because that will only make the alpha angrier.

"Tell me, you love me," he growls.

"I love you" I whisper.

"Louder," his boot kicks me in my rib cage, adding yet another bruise for me to hide and sending me into a fetal position on the green carpet, also original to the trailer home and I wonder how many others before me have lied here covered in bruises.

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