14: The First Party (Part 2)

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Bailey's POV

"Ready? Now remember what I told you. Don't second guess yourself, otherwise you will regret it. Drink!" Denver shouts, competing with the music.

Georgia and I throw the glass up in the air and swallow the drink as fast as we can. It burns. It burns so bad. I can't help but scrunch my face at the taste. I look over at Georgia who doesn't seem fazed by the drink at all.

"Want to do another one?" Denver asks.

"Hell yeah!" Georgia replies.

"Bailey's good. She shouldn't have too many drinks during her first party." Levi speaks for me.

"Fuck you. I can do what I want." I tell Levi, the room already becoming blurry from my first shot.

"Bailey, please I don't want you to do anything you regret," Levi tells me.

"Like what? Cheat on you," I argue.

"I was thinking more along the lines of puking." He replies.

He has a good point. I didn't consider throwing up tonight and if I did that would not help my reputation.

"She needs to learn what her limit is." Denver defends me.

She also has a good point. How am I going to know how much alcohol I can tolerate if I don't drink? I grab the shot in Denver's hand and swallow it. It still burns. How many shots do I need to take before it stops burning?

Country Girl by Luke Bryan plays over the speakers in the livingroom and I grab Denver's hand, "Let's dance!"

Denver and I make our way to the already packed dance floor and start showing off our moves. I may be new to partying and drinking, but dancing comes second nature to me. Levi sits on the couch with Georgia because there's no way she would ever join us on the floor but I'm happy she joined us tonight. This is her first party too.

I can feel that buzz feeling everyone talks about. My body becomes insanely warm and I'm so glad I left my coat in the car. My hips sway back and forth to the music and to be honest I'm not even sure if I'm with the beat or not, but none of it matters. I feel so good. I throw my hands over my head and shake my ass. This must be what it feels like to be free.

Levi's POV

"Wanna play Call of Duty?" Jake asks.

"What's Call of Duty?" Georgia replies.

"He's talking to me," I tell her.

"I don't care, I want to learn!" Georgia takes the controller out of my hand.

"Teach me, football player," She demands from Jake.

"You know my name. We sat next to each other the other day in Chemistry. You called me late-boy," Jake insists.

"Whatever," she waves her hand.

Damn, she's had two shots, and she's already drunk. I keep my eye on Bailey out on the dance floor. So far no one has messed with her and Denver is still dancing with her. Maybe I don't need to worry about her tonight. But for some reason, I feel I should be by her side.

"Oh my god! I did it! I killed someone!" Georgia shouts and Jake laughs at her enthusiasm. It seems like they're hitting it off tonight. I get up and make my way to the dance floor. I want to dance with Bailey. Her leather pants shine off the lights flying around the room. The two strands of hair she left down rock back and forth as she shakes her head. She looks extra attractive when she's carefree.

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