3: The Return of Moretti

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Bailey's POV (two months later, present-day)

I slam my locker shut and throw my hood over my head, heading to English. Today is the day I've been dreading for weeks.

The hallways are crowded but I make myself unnoticeable by wearing dark clothing. At least I try to make myself invisible. Judging from the number of eyes staring at me I think everyone realizes today's my first day back.

Georgia told me to text her if I felt overwhelmed and It's tempting but I don't want to use the Georgia card just yet. I can't give up before the first period.

I turn the corner and keep my head down, focusing on the gray speckled flooring below me. Hopefully, everyone picks up on the hint I don't want to be social today, or ever again.

"My condolences," a random voice tells me.

"I'm sorry for your loss," another person says.

"Sorry about your brother," the voices all blur together.

I don't bother looking up because I'm going to hear it all day. If there were other schools in town I would have forced my parents to transfer me but unfortunately, the nearest public high school is the next town over and they're our rivals.

The Baraboo Grizzly Bears have never gotten along with the Dayton Hawks. Their town is bigger, fancier, and richer than ours, but the athletics department sucks. Instead, they put money into their theater program. Like Wisconsin is ever going to produce the next big Hollywood star.

In English, there's only one seat open, and of course, it's in the front row. I sit down and take out my notebook and start doodling; anything to distract myself.

"Hey Bailey, welcome back." I look up and see Hunter smiling down at me.

It's been two months since I've seen him and he hasn't changed a bit. He's still tall, still muscular and still has long blonde hair. My heart beats rapidly as our eyes meet. Oh, and I still have feelings for him.

"Can we talk for a minute after class?" Hunter asks.

I nod. I would do anything to be with him.

Hunter slips out of the classroom as the teacher shuts the door. My first day back has officially started.

Class goes by annoyingly slow. I knew it wasn't going to be an easy day, but I did not think it would be this boring. I guess some things never change. It's clear I am very behind on my assignments. They are already halfway through reading Animal Farm. A book I will probably have to speed read this weekend. For the rest of the class, I just doodle in my notebook and tune out the class discussion.

Hunter's POV

I watch from afar as she saunters down the hallway not making eye contact with the world around her. Everything about her screams broken and I want to let her know she's not alone. The pain and suffering she must be feeling is far worse than anything I'm going through. To lose a friend is horrible, but to lose a brother is traumatic.

These past two months have been hell for the entire town. We lost a legend that night and we've all been in mourning since.

She lost an older brother, someone so significant in her life and to the town. Maybe that's where I step in. I can look out for her like Jack used to. Yes, that's what she needs right now.

Bailey's POV

The bell rings and everyone bolts out the door. My next class is History. A class I know something about. I pack up belongings and follow everyone out of the room.

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