13 - Annabeth

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I wake up the next morning and Percy isn't in bed beside me. I hear him in the kitchen, so I'm not worried. I try to sit up out of bed, but a wave of nausea comes over me and I put a hand on my stomach. It hurts, tender on the inside, but nothing too bad. I feel a little sick, too, but I brush it off.

I put on a hoodie and go out into the kitchen with Percy. He's eating some eggs and bacon on a plate, and I grab it out from in front of him, eating all of his eggs in 3 bites and then shove the bacon in my pockets. "I'm going back to bed."

He stares at me, concerned as I walk away. I stand on my side of the bed and sit on the edge before scooting back and laying my head on the pillow. I eat the bacon out of my pocket and Percy leans on thr doorframe after a while. "You okay?" He asks.

I nod. "Just tired."

He lays next to me, propping himself up on his elbow, and putting a hand on my stomach. "It feels like you just ate everyting in the kitchen."

"That's actually what it feels like," I say. "Except I'm still hungry."

He lays his head next to mine. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, relaxing to the sound of his breaths, but suddenly, I remember something.

"What are we gonna tell my dad?" I ask.

He groans. "I forgot we hadn't told him yet."

"Me, too."

He kisses my forehead. "We'll figure something out."


He rubs his hand in circles on my stomach, making me feel somewhat better. After a while, I fall back asleep to the warmth of his body and the sound of his breaths.


I put on some black jeans, a red t-shirt that's getting too small, and a tight navy blue hoodie I got at Target last week. We're going to see my dad today. I hope he doesn't freak out too much.

Percy comes out of the bathroom wearing black shorts and no shirt. He looks at me and sighs. "There's no possible way we're hiding that from your dad."

I look down at my boots, or at least I would be if my bump didn't get in the way. "I figured."

He rubs my back. "We'll figure something out."

I nod. I know we will. We always do.

He puts a shirt on and grabs the keys before walking me out to the car. I tap my foot on the floorboard for about 10 minutes before Percy grabs my hand when he comes to a red light. I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath. "He's going to hate me. And you. Especially you."

"Hey, hey," he squeezes my hand, reassuringly. "Don't think like that. Think about the best case senario."

"Best case he throws us out and never talks to us again."

"Come on. It can't be that bad."

"You don't know my dad well enough, Perce. He'll give me this whole speech about how it was irresposible and I should take better care of myself, yadda yadda blah blah. Like I don't already know that. He's just going to make it worse."

Percy kisses the top of my hand as the light turns green. "It'll be okay. It doesn't matter what he thinks. It matters what we know, and we know that we're resposible enough to raise out own children."

"You're right," I lie. "Everything is going to be okay."

We arrive at my dad's place about 20 minutes, half and hour later. I sigh and grip the door handle. "I'll stay here for a minute while you go inside and start talking to him. You tell him, then he'll see me and believe it. That's probably the best way to go."

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