5 - Annabeth

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I wake to the sun shining in the cabin. Percy must have carried me back to my cabin last night.

I realize a note under my pillow, and I read it. It's a note from Piper stating that she put 5 tests in my trunk.

Everybody knows not to go through my trunk.

Jack shakes my shoulder and quietly coos, "Annabeth, it's breakfast."

I roll over. My stomach is churning and cramping. I whimper, and Jack stops me as I roll on my back.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay. But I need to talk to you before breakfast."

What? Why would he need to talk to me? Is it about me leaving? Maybe.

I shower and get ready for my day, and the breakfast horn sounds. I stay behind with Jack while everybody else goes to breakfast.

I turn and face him. "Please, if you're just trying to talk to me about me leaving, try not to make it too sappy. I've been pretty emotional lately anyways."

His face is stern, and his stare burns right through me. "I've noticed."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about."

"Um, no, I don't."

He pulls a pregnancy test out from behind his back and sets it on the bed beside him.

"You went through my trunk? Without permission?" I shriek.

"That's not the problem here, Annabeth. The problem is why you would think you're pregnant?"

"That's none of your business."

"You're 17, Annabeth. As your big brother, this needs to be my business."

"I can't believe you right now."

"Take a walk in my shoes, Annabeth. Now tell me, why do you think that you're pregnant?"

"Because of personal reasons, okay? Now, please, just drop it."

"I can't 'just drop it,' Annabeth. What if something happens to you? What if something happens to Percy? You need someone to be there for you, and the baby."

"I'm going to be fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm hungry so I'm gonna go and get some breakfast."

I turn and storm out of the cabin.

At least, I want to.

I stop a few yards from where I stood before. I stand still and clench my fists.

"Annabeth?" Jack asks. "Are you okay?"

I feel a tear fall down my cheek and I turn to face him. "Can you, um, not tell anyone about this?"

He purses his lips. "Yeah. I can keep a secret."

I mutter a silent "thank you" and walk out the door.


I never went to breakfast. Instead, I went to Percy's cabin and waited for him.

I sit on his bed and smell his blanket. It smells like the ocean and homemade cookies. Just like Percy.

What am I doing to myself.

I love Percy, and I definitely want to have a family with him. So what if I'm only 17? That shouldn't matter. I'm having a family with the man that I love. That's all that should matter.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when someone opens the door. Percy struts into the cabin and stares at me.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

"Everything is fine," I lie. "I just wanted to see you." Not a lie.

He smiles and comes in, shutting the door behind him. He sits next to me on his bed and wraps his arm around me as I lay a head on his shoulder, inhaling his scent.

"You weren't at breakfast," he notices.

"Well, aren't you observant," I remark.

"Come on. You have to eat something."

"I'm not really in the mood right now."

"Why? Did something happen?"

I hesitate, then sigh. "Jack found the pregnancy tests Piper gave me in my trunk."

His jaw drops. "Well, what happened?"

"I yelled at him. He talked to me a bit. And that's about it. Don't worry, he won't tell anyone."

"Are you thinking you should take the tests?"

I think for a minute, unsure of what to say. I mean, I really want to know, but at the same time, I don't. What if I am? What if I have to get an abortion? What if I mis-carry? I can't wonder about that now. I need to be positive.

"I'll wait until this afternoon," I decide, "when I'm with you."

"You don't have to do that," he opposes.

"No, I want to. I'll feel better if you're there with me."

He smiles. "Okay."

I sigh and look down. "What if I am pregnant, Percy? Then what?"

He grabs my hand. "We'll figure it out. Together. Whatever happens, we just need to be there for each other, okay?"

I smile. "Okay."

Unexpectedly Expecting (Previously Known As Unexpected)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz