7 - Annabeth

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The party was amazing, but it was hard saying goodbye to everyone.

No one else knows I'm pregnant. I don't really know who else to trust. Only Piper, Rachel, Jack, and Josh know.

I sit at breakfast, not hungry enough to eat anything. Jack is eyeing me suspiciously.

"What?" I ask him.

"You haven't touched your food," he notes.

"I'm not hungry."

"Josh," Matilda, my slightly-younger sister says. "Why ya getting on to her like that?"

"No reason," he lies. "I just want to make sure she eats."

"Why does it matter?" I say through my teeth. "It's my body. My health. My choices."

"Well, I need to make sure you're not starving yourself."

I lean forward enough to make it seem as though I'm standing up. "Well, maybe, I don't need my brother lecturing me on what to do constantly as if he's my boss."

I realize I was nearly yelling and the pavillion goes silent. Everybody is staring at me and I feel my face heat up. Percy looks at me and mouths, you okay?

I don't respond. I turn from the table and run down to the cabins. I think about running, to my cabin, but I turn to Percy's instead. I slam the door behind me, and Percy bursts in shortly after, short of breath.

"You okay? What happened?" He asks.

I turn to face him. "I can't do this."

"What? Do what?"

"The whole... baby thing. It's too hard, and neither one of us are ready."

"Annabeth, stop being so hard on yourself."

"Percy, you're not the one carrying a child."

"No, Annabeth, I'm not. But I am carrying the burden. And the responsibity."

Time stops for a moment. My head sags I cross my arms. "Why us?"

Percy sighs. He takes a few steps towards me and wraps his arms around me. I press my head and hands to his chest, enjoying his warmth in this time of struggle, which seems to be the only thing keeping me going.

"I don't know," He confesses. "I don't know why it had to be us. But we're gonna get through it, okay? Just like we always do."

I think for a short minute, then respond with, "You're right. I'm just over-thinking."

He looks at me with an eyebrow raised. "Wow, That was easy."

"Shut up. Just be lucky you're not getting constant mood swings."


We pack to go home later that day, around noon. Piper and Rachel help me as we talk about the baby, but my heart wasn't really into it.

I pace my cabin after they leave and think about what I'm going to tell my dad. My mom, being my mom and keeping an eye on me and Percy 24/7, probably already knows.

My dad would be furious. He'd give a whole lecture about how I'm too young and irresponsible, or how what I did was foolish, or something like that. As if I don't already know that. He's just going to make me feel worse about it.

I take my bags out to Percy's Jeep and see Percy there. He has a smile on his face as he loads his things into the Jeep and gets in and I follow him.

Once I shut the door, he grabs my hand. "Only a week in a half until New Rome."

"Yeah," I say half-heartedly.

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