"Then that's a promise." He nodded.

    I finally got home. I went to my room and rested for a bit before I took a shower and changed into my pajamas. I took out my notes and my textbooks, and I started studying.

    I feel sleepy, I've been dozing off quite a few times already. I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating.

    "Hello?" I didn't read the caller ID. I'm seriously sleepy.

    "You sound tired, shouldn't you sleep already?" Oh it's Kuroo. I read the caller ID and yes it is him.

    "You called just to say that?" I yawned. I fixed my things and went to bed.

    "Of course not, it's just that you sound tired. Were you asleep?"

    "On my desk." I heard him sigh. "I'm sorry."

    "Why are you apologizing? I'm just worried. Hey have you eaten dinner?" That reminds me, I haven't eaten a single thing since I got home. "I should take the silence as no. Go eat, and head to bed. I'll see you next week, love you."

    "Ok, stay safe. I love you too."

    He hung up. I yawned again. I don't even know if I should eat. I'm really tired, oh well. I just chose not to. I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and I went back to bed. I fell asleep right away.

    The next day, I got to school and the boys already left. Kuroo already messaged me they're already at Shinzen High. I went to class and I zoned out the moment I sat on my chair.

    The bell rang and the teacher entered the room. Hmm, there's the student.

    "Ok settle down. We have a new student. Listen to his introduction, well then." She gestured him to introduce himself.

    "Hi I'm Daylan, I'm from Australia but you can speak Japanese with me as you please. I can speak the language. I hope we all get along!" He bowed and the girls started squealing, well if he gets the attention of everyone, then I have Kuroo for myself.

    "Well then, (Y/n), you show him around during break time." I nodded. "Daylan you can sit beside Neji."

    He went to his seat, and Neji's pretty much ignoring him. The teacher left and so we had to wait for the next subject. I just stared outside the window.

    I wonder how Kuroo's doing.. I messaged him and I guess I would just wait until he replies. The teacher came and class went on. There's supposed a quiz today but I guess with the new kid around, we had to move it.

    Hours passed and it's break time— lunch. I went up to the new kid and he seemed fine.

    "Hi, I'm (Y/n). I'm the student council president. I have to show you around, is now a good time?" He turned to me and smiled.

    "Yeah sure, let's go."


    Training's going pretty well. I wonder what's on with the school today. That reminds me, I checked my phone and there's a message. Just 15 minutes ago.

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