Chapter 36 - Can't Be Good

Start from the beginning

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There is defiantly signs of technology in this building outside the fence. It took all day, but now we've found a strong signal of something from the building.

I look up at the clock. It's seven pm. We all worked straight through lunch and most of dinner. They have snacks for us in the room, so the only reason to leave would be to go to the bathroom; but that's a ways away because the one down the hall is closed because 1236 has blocked it off for investigation. They think that Caleb was heading or at the bathroom at the time that he "died."

I'm convinced that he was murdered.

If not, kidnapped.

How did he die from a "lab incident" if the people he was working with say that he said he was going to the bathroom?

Maybe I should be part of 1236...

I'll just stick the computers for now... I'd rather stick with what I'm good at...

"Okay everyone. I think we've done good today. Why don't you all head back to your living quarters and rest up for tomorrow. Tomorrow we can hopefully find something to hack into, then the next day we can take action. Good night everyone." Andy announces to everyone then heads toward the door.

I walk toward Zeke and we start walking toward the apartment together talking about what the groups did. It sounds like they found one camera that wasn't painted over or cracked, but there wasn't anything important on it. They are going to search the tape more tomorrow though.

Zeke pulls out his phone and his eyes grow wide.

"What?" I ask. It looks like his eyes are going to burst out of his head.

"I have sixteen missed calls and thirty seven texts from eChris and/or Amar." He says looking concerned.

He taps on his phone and he suddenly goes pale and stops walking.

"You okay?" I ask.

He shakes his head no and hands me his phone.

It's quite a few texts from Chris.

One says

Shauna is in the hospital.


She is unconscious

Another one

Just check your voicemail. Then call me. She is still unconscious.

The last one says that it was sent twenty three hours ago.

"Why was I such an idiot to not turn my phone on this morning?" He mumbles hanging his head down and running a hand through his hair.

"Let's just get back to the apartment and listen to what Chris said." I say trying to support him.

He nods.

We get to the door and since I've finally got down how to open it with my ID, I get it open easily and open the door. Almost immediately Zeke closes the door and sits down on the floor and goes to his voicemail. I sit down next to him. Chris's voice starts playing from his phone.

"Hey Zeke. So here's the story. Around two this morning I along with all of the neighbors heard someone screaming for help in your apartment and leaders had to come and break down the door to get in. Shauna was on your kitchen floor unable to get up and barely conscious. She was in so much pain that she is currently unconscious and the doctors don't have a clue what happened. A doctor that she has apperently been seeing is coming later tonight. I'll call you after he comes. It's quarter after six in the morning now. Call me as soon as you get this. Bye."

Oh no.

This can't be good.


Hi humans!

Last post for 2014! I've got 2 hours and 50 min till 2015 where I'm at! Right now I'm hanging out with my grandma on her couch watching Times Square, eating nachos and drinking Sprite to try and stay awake.

I'm NOT a night person. I like my sleep!

I've been having trouble with my wattpad app, so I'm sorry if the bold hasn't shown up in this chap or the one before it. It shows me that it's bold, but it isn't when I go into the story.

Boy do I hate technology! Lol

I was going to say something else, but I forgot. Lol.

Have fun and Happy New Year!

4.46k reads! <4

Until next time!

Stay amazing!

Thanks for reading!






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